New Eastern Europe - November-December 2017 requests for refugee status,” up from 62.9% in 2002. SOME REFUGEES MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN OTHERS However, public opinio ...
Organizer plans for refugees may have been put on hold by the Polish government, but “refugees in Poland still exist, ...
Organizer plans for refugees may have been put on hold by the Polish government, but “refugees in Poland still exist, ...
EASTERN CAFÉ 146 The disintegration train has left Brussels Iwona Reichardt reviews Ivan Krastev’s After Europe 150 Putin’s long ...
The disintegration train has left Brussels IWONA REICHARDT After Europe. By: Ivan Krastev. Publisher: University of Pennsylvania ...
147 Eastern European déjà vu In Krastev’s view it is this first-hand experience of the process of the disman- tling of the Sovie ...
148 has been haunting Europe’s political life since 2015. In his analysis of its impact and unforeseen consequences, Krastev is ...
149 of the German extreme right-wing, an- ti-migration party (AfD), have shown (unfortunately) that Krastev is right in saying t ...
Putin’s long awaited opportunity, retaliation and revenge OSTAP KUSHNIR Putin’s War against Ukraine: Revolution, nationalism and ...
151 io’s pro-Ukrainian position is clearly vis- ible throughout. He presents Ukraine as a state, idea, phenomenon and geopolit- ...
152 may encounter in previous Kuzio texts. This includes the dichotomy between ethnic and civic nationalisms in Ukraine, the ina ...
153 the characteristics of Donbas from the author’s perspective. According to Kuzio, residents of Don- bas favour paternalism. T ...
154 majority Russians. Kuzio notes that the Russian volunteers never regarded their engagement in the war as a fight in a for- e ...
Cultural diplomacy at its best Giedroyc in St Petersburg DOROTA SIEROŃ-GALUSEK Ежи Гедройц: К Польше своей мечты (Jerzy Giedroyc ...
156 found in the submissiveness of the cul- tural elite towards an authoritarian re- gime and the resignation of independ- ent t ...
157 editorial work. Together with Józef Czap- ski (a Polish painter and writer who was also one of Kultura’s founders), he envis ...
158 book, discusses how the Russian writers and thinkers who were living in Warsaw during the interwar period later impacted Pol ...
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