Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

Indian weddings are the same and the
next wedding you shoot, might throw
up unexpected surprises. Any amount of
homework you do will never be enough.
So, we generally spend time with the
family members to know the basics and
if they have any special arrangements. A
lot of research before the wedding and
on the spot happens.”
When it comes to challenges in
wedding photography, everyday a new
challenge comes up, says Amar. The
biggest challenge Studio A faces is that
there are too many photographers. “No,
I am not speaking about the market
condition. Competition is always good
as it pushes you to the next level. I mean
the increasing number of photographers
on the big day at the wedding venue.
Too many photographers covering the
same wedding only spoils the scope
for capturing quality moments and the
clients just don’t get it. To add to the
drama, the relatives and friends who are
photography-crazy, team up with their
DSLRs and mobile phones. All we ask is
for more space and time to work on the

field. Everything else, can be managed.”
The wedding photography scene is
rapidly changing, and we asked Studio
A how they’ve adapted to it. Amar says
that innovating and improvising has been
their key. “Scenarios keep changing.

The number of photographers and the
type of work coming out is much more
than the previous years. Also in terms of
technology and equipment, there have
been huge advancements. Thankfully
with many wedding photography
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