Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
magazine, and the editor gave
him his fi rst assignment—
interviewing Dan Inosanto.
From that assignment on,
he worked as a contributing
editor for the magazine for
two decades, wrote his fi rst
book, and went on to create
his own magazine. It was
at this point in his journey
that he felt he needed to take
his passion and admiration
for the history of the arts
to the next level. While writing his fi rst book,
Matsuda realized there was a need for a place to
accurately house historical documents, artifacts,
and to educate the community on all the facets
of the the martial arts. Although the Martial Arts
History Museum has experienced obstacles along
the way, the devotion of unfailing supporters
from all over the world has helped smooth the
roadblocks. Presently, Th e Martial Arts History

Museum has a home in
Burbank, California, and if
you are interested in viewing
a vast array of items from
movie sets, scripts, weapons,
memorabilia, and much more,
I highly recommend that
you take a visit to view these
marvels with your own eyes.
Knockout-Worthy Causes
Another noteworthy
cause is Th e Martial Arts
History Museum’s launch
of “Impact Our Future” Campaign. Th is
campaign focuses on growth of the museum
to enable more visitors to be enriched by the
vast history and wealth of knowledge that Th e
Martial Arts History Museum presents to its
visitors daily. Th e museum hosts martial arts
schools, schools within the district, and daily
tours. It is now in need of a larger facility to
handle the masses of people that the grandeur
of this museum brings forth. By making a
one-time donation of $50-100 or more to the
museum, we can help preserve our martial
arts history and help it to shine on its grandest
stage—a new home. If you are a school owner,
martial arts enthusiast, martial arts instructor,
martial artist, company or an individual who
enjoys the uniqueness of museums, this is a
worthy cause. We can “Impact Our Future”
in the martial arts community by helping
Th e Martial Arts History Museum continue
to fl ourish and educate future generations.
Th e museum also partnered with Amazon
through the Amazon Smile Program, which
donates 0.5% of your Amazon Smile purchases
and any future Amazon Smile purchases
to the museum. When you shop through
Amazon Smile, it is no diff erent than shopping
through Amazon because you will fi nd the
same products, services and prices. Once
you proceed and sign in, you can select Th e
Martial Arts History Museum as the charitable
organization of your choosing. Get a head
start on New Year shopping and donate to our
martial arts community at smile.amazon.com.

16 January 2018 / taekwondotimes.com

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