Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

Figure 7- closeup view

Figure 8- see the technique from other angles –

Masoud applies a vertical pressure to
under Soheil’s chin. Soheil’s elbow is
under pressure via Masoud’s leg

Now your opponent is at your disposal.
What would you like to do with him?

Masoud Hayeri Khyavi is 44 years old and began martial arts
practice with Kuk Sool Won in Iran when he was 15 years old under
the supervision of Farshid Shabafroozan. His main encourager
and supporter was his brother Mehrdad, 1st dan in Goju Ryu.
He is the author of three books about martial arts in Iran and
the author of appromixately 50 articles in martial arts magazines
in Iran, including Martial Arts Monthly and Razmavar.

taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 49
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