Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

And even while traveling, I have been working
on my new book, which will come out in May, a
brand-new version of “Seven Steps to Inner Power

  • How to Break Through to Awesome: Life
    Secrets from a Martial Arts Master.” Keep an
    eye out for this one. You are going to LOVE it!

I am telling you all these things for one reason:
no, it’s not bragging at all. It is to show you
that yes, you can do it! Set goals and commit
to accomplishing them! You can do this!
He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!

Ok, how about you? What were
your goals in 2017?

Was it your fantasy? Or wishful
thinking? Or daydreaming?

Or was it a real and true goal (which I call
a “future memory”) that you are ready and
willing to work for and make sacrifices for?

Only you can answer that question.

If you wrote down a list, go through it
and see what you did or didn’t do.

If you reached most of your goals, congratulate
yourself. What a wonderful accomplishment!

And if you didn’t, really dig deep
and find out why you didn’t.

Did this goal lose its importance?

Did you think, through the course of
the year, it was too difficult to reach?

Were you “too busy” to work on your goals?

Or did you become lazy? Or, as so
many people do, did you write it
down and then forget about it?

Whatever the true reason may be,
do take a moment to find out what
was and is holding you back.

Always remember, it is a choice only you
can make. You and you alone decide
your destiny! Whether you did or did not
reach your goals, it was your choice!

So, if your New Year goals look surprisingly
alike for several years, put your stake in
the ground and claim your victory!

It is never too late!

One of my students wanted to lose 20 pounds
in 2017. She lost about seven pounds at first and
then had a plateau. Then she started regaining
the weight until she weighed way more than
before. It wasn’t lack of desire; it was lack of
motivation. Besides, it was already August and
she thought there was no way she could reach
her goal, even if she got started right then.
Well, number one, I gave her some motivation.
I simply passed on what her husband had
confessed to me—that her weight gain
had turned him off and he wanted to keep
his distance, or worse. That did it.
Within several months, those 20 pounds
came off, not magically, but through self-
discipline, no snacking between meals,
not drinking anything but water, and
working out every day, no matter what.
And you can do the same! Whether it’s weight
loss or getting a new job or purchasing a home
or learning a new skill—you can do it!
Even if your start is delayed—even if you don’t
reach exactly what you set out to do ...
Get started!!!
Did you see the viral video on the internet,
where an armed forces general gave a speech
at a college graduation and he emphasized
the importance of making your bed so that
you start the day accomplishing something?
I do agree with him.
However, I also realized that for many
people—and not just students-it’s even

taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 51
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