36 The Americas The EconomistFebruary 24th 2018
2 versity of the Andes in Bogotá. That is be-
cause the cocaine trade financed the FARC.
This is stirring up an election season al-
ready roiled by debate over corruption and
the economy. Colombia is to elect a new
congress on March 11th and a new presi-
dent on May 27th. The contests pit suppor-
ters of the peace agreement against its foes.
The agreement is unlikely to be reversed.
So the argument has shifted to proxy is-
sues, including the coca surge. Peace-deal
sceptics cheer on forced eradication; pro-
deal politicians back crop substitution.
Rafael Pardo, the government’s post-
conflict “high commissioner”, thinks peace
is unsustainable unless the government
solves the coca problem. That is not be-
cause the FARCwill return to war, but be-
cause coca crops “will always feed a mar-
ket that is accompanied by violence”, he
says. Small-scale coca-growers, caught be-
tween the security forces and the drug
gangs, are among the most vulnerable to it.
Nowhere is Colombia’s many-sided
drug war more intense than in Tumaco. It
has 23,000 hectares of coca fields, more
than any other municipality. Nariño, the
department of which Tumaco forms a part,
is a focal point of fighting among armed
groups for control of the drug trade. The
government sent 2,000 more troops to Tu-
maco in January to contain the violence.
Under pressure from Colombian vot-
ers, and perhaps the United States, the se-
curity forces uproot fields that are sup-
posed to be set aside for voluntary crop
substitution. Thatprovokes clashes with
small-scale coca-growers. Last year peas-
ants angry about forced eradication
blocked roads in Nariño and other regions
for days. Members of an eradication group
that took off from Tumaco killed seven un-
armed protesters in October.
Since then, riot police have joined the
missions. They are tension-filled. In a Black
T TAKES guts to challenge both Andrés
Manuel López Obrador, a messianic, sil-
ver-tongued populist, and the residual
political machine of Mexico’s governing
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Ricardo Anaya is as daring as he is ruth-
lessly ambitious. Having forged a co-
alition of his own conservative National
Action Party (PAN) and two small centre-
left outfits, Mr Anaya arguesthat the presi-
dential election on July 1st is now a two-
horse race between himself and AMLO,
as Mexicans call Mr López Obrador, the
long-standing front-runner. Several opin-
ion polls support that contention. The
question that will hang over Mexico dur-
ing the next four months is whether, in his
sharp-elbowed ascent, Mr Anaya has
made too many enemies to unite the dis-
parate majority that dislikesAMLOand
thus win the presidency.
On the face ofthings, this isAMLO’s
election to lose. Mexicans have rarely
been so gloomy or wanted change more.
The PRI government of Enrique Peña
Nieto is unpopular. Although it achieved
important reforms of education and ener-
gy, it has failed in fighting violent crime
and corruption and improving the econ-
omy, the issues that matter most to the
public. When the PANruled Mexico in
2000-12 it didn’t do much better. That
means “there’s less resistance” to AMLO
than in 2006 and 2012 (when he nearly
won the presidency), says Jorge Casta-
ñeda, a former foreign minister.
In those campaigns he ran as a rabble-
rouser bent on returning Mexico to its pro-
tectionist, nationalistpast. His friends in-
sist that he has mellowed. He has made
overtures to business and to Mexico’s
capitalist north. His pledge to review all
contracts issued to private energy compa-
nies doesn’t mean rejecting them, accord-
ing to Alfonso Romo, a businessman from
Monterrey who advises him. Mr Romo
stressesAMLO’s concern for the “forgotten
Mexico” of the poor and the indigenous.
ButAMLOhas also opened his tent to allies
from reactionary, corporatist parts of the
PRI(to which he belonged from 1976 to
1988). He has talked of an amnesty for drug
barons. “He can no longer hold the banner
of fundamental regime change,” says De-
nise Dresser, a political scientist.
Neither can the PRI’s candidate, José
Antonio Meade, a competent and respect-
ed former finance minister who is not a
party member. He makes a virtue of his
lack of a political background. But “the
scale of the well-deserved repudiation” of
Mr Peña makes Mr Meade’s task“impossi-
ble”, says Enrique Krauze, a historian.
It is Mr Anaya who offers the best hope
of defeatingAMLO. He is only 38. With his
crew cut and glasses, he looks like a school
swot. He is a formidable debater and politi-
cal operator who speaks with a laser focus.
“This is a very close election between two
options for change,” he told Bello. “The
question...is what kind of change [Mexi-
cans] want.” AMLOproposes change “with
ideas that are very old, trapped in the past”,
he says, while his own ideal is a modern
democracy open to the world and to new
For example, AMLOpromises to can-
cel construction of a $13bn airport now
being built near Mexico City. He would re-
verse the education reform, which holds
teachers accountable by evaluations.
AMLOdoesn’t want to turn Mexico into a
Marxist dictatorship like Cuba or Vene-
zuela. But he wants to be friends with
those countries, says Mr Castañeda.
AMLOvows to fight corruption but prom-
ises to slash the salaries of senior officials,
which is a recipe for graft.
Mr Anaya argues that to impose the
rule of law stronger institutions are essen-
tial. He wants the attorney-general’s of-
fice, over which the president has sway, to
be fully autonomous. He would fight
drug gangs with better intelligence. To
tackle poverty he would introduce “grad-
ually” a universal basic income (though
voters might prefer more and better jobs).
Mr Anaya seized control of the PAN
from more experienced rivals and over-
saw its victory in several gubernatorial
elections. He says he doesn’t defend the
mistakes of pastPANpresidents, and any-
way he represents a coalition. Quite how
coherent this coalition of convenience
will prove is an open question.
He faces otherobstacles. His merciless
attacks on the PRIare a double-edged
sword. If Mr Meade has no chance of vic-
tory, “it’s easier forpriistasto go with
AMLOthan thisgüero[fair-haired boy]”,
says Mr Krauze. Mr Anaya’sbiggest diffi-
culty may be that in his single-minded
pursuit of the candidacy he hasalienated
important figures in his own party, start-
ing with Margarita Zavala, the wife of a
former president, who is running as an in-
dependent. To win, Mr Anaya mustbe a
healer as well as a fighter.
Bello Mexico’s young hopeful
Ricardo Anaya offers the best chance of beating Mexico’s left-wing Donald Trump