asiaSpa India - January-February 2018

(Wang) #1
asiaSpa India January-February 2018 45

completely enhances detoxification. Plus, it is
very easy to go on a protein overdrive when you
follow a primarily non-vegetarian diet. Meat, fish
and eggs are filled with good proteins that boost
growth of the body. But if your protein intake is
higher than required – beyond 30 per cent of daily
caloric intake – it can result in a build up of toxic
ketones in the body, the symptoms of which are
weakness and dizziness and, in the long term, this
may strain your kidneys and liver.

Cut down on those endless cups of tea and
coffee right now! You need to give your liver a
chance to take a break from detoxifying all that
caffeine. But while doing so, you should taper
off gradually to avoid extremely uncomfortable
withdrawal symptoms, such as splitting
headache. And if you want to multiply the
benefits, switch to green tea as it only contains a
fraction of the caffeine content in black tea and
coffee. Plus, it is a great detoxifier as well because
it is loaded with antioxidants.

Drink at least 7–10 average-sized glasses of
water every day. Water is not only an essential
element of every bodily function, it is an amazing
detox tool as well. It helps dilute toxins and
waste products and leads to their easy drainage
from the body. It regulates and maintains our
body temperature, and also helps cleanse the
bloodstream of excessive fats. Try this: boil some
cumin, coriander and fennel in water and then
drink; it is great for your digestion.

Excessive sugar consumption is inevitable during
the holiday season. And this excess is detrimental
for your health. Not only are you taking in
extra calories, but you are also suppressing
the immune system, which makes you more
susceptible to colds and flu. So make sure you cut
down on desserts drastically. To satisfy your sweet
tooth, eat fresh fruits; they contain natural sugars
and all the important nutrients.

An important step for those who want to detoxify
their bodies is to be physically active. The lack
of exercise contributes to weight gain and also
makes circulation sluggish, which eventually
results in a build-up of toxins. But you don’t have

to spend hours in the gym. Even gentle exercises
get your circulation going. To start with, try a
30-minute walk at least twice a week. Yoga is
another wonderful way to gently detoxify your
body. It stimulates all the bodily systems, and also
teaches you now to live a less toxic life.





Yoga poses put pressure on the
organs and improve circulation
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