asiaSpa India - January-February 2018

(Wang) #1



46 asiaSpa India January-February 2018

  • Incorporate lemon juice into your diet – be it a
    glass of lemonade or a squeeze in your fruit or salad
    bowl. It cleanses the body and strengthens the liver.

  • If you are a compulsive non-vegetarian, start
    limiting its consumption to every alternate day.

  • Staying hydrated is very important. Make sure
    you drink more than six glasses of water a day.

  • Concentrate on Vitamin C this week. Start
    your day with a glass of lemonade. Eat citrus
    fruits such as oranges and grapefruit.

  • Continue with a leafy green vegetable for
    lunch and dinner, but add some broccoli twice
    or thrice a week to your meals.

  • Try to eat two tomatoes every day. Factor in
    tomato soup thrice this week.

  • In fruits, include guava and strawberries and
    have some amla murabba (you can also have amla
    achaar) and drink vegetable juice daily.

  • Eat non-vegetarian food only twice a week.

  • Drink eight glasses of water a day.

  • Now is the time for your beta-carotene dose.
    Alternate between mangoes and papaya for
    your fresh fruit dose.

  • Have a serving of pepper, spinach, pumpkin
    or sweet potato daily.

  • Snack on nuts and seeds in the evening.

  • Start eating plenty of fibre including brown rice,
    whole wheat, oats and fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Limit non-vegetarian food to once a week.

TTThhheee PPlaann
Now that you have understood the basics and
know what to eat and what to avoid, get started
with this four-week plan.

  • Increase the intake of Vitamin E. Snack on
    walnuts, peanuts and almonds, and sprinkle
    seeds (sunflower, flax and watermelon) and
    wheat germ on your morning cereal.

  • Add olives to your salads every day and a
    green-leafy vegetable to your main meal. It is a
    good idea to add lettuce to your sandwich and
    soup. If you are a non-vegetarian, try eating
    some liver once or twice a week. IMAGE COURTESY GETTYIMAGES




Infused water helps clear out excessive
fat from the bloodstream

Lycopene, the red pigment found in several vegetables, including
tomato, helps the body detox
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