asiaSpa India - January-February 2018

(Wang) #1
asiaSpa India January-February 2018 47

Kavita Devgan is a Delhi-based
nutritionist, weight management
consultant and health columnist. She
is the author of Don’t Diet! 50
Habits of Thin People.

Choose organic foods They are free of
pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, growth hormones and
genetically engineered substances, which
means fewer toxins in your body.
Eat probiotics All the sugar and alcohol from the
holiday season can disrupt the delicate balance of
bacteria in the gut. Probiotics help boost the good
bacteria and restore healthy digestion.
Skim fat o your diet Make smart swaps and opt for
low-fat dressings, low-fat cheese, low-fat milk and
cottage cheese. While cooking vegetables,
add some vegetable broth instead of oil. Also, use a
non-stick frying pan and, instead of a spoon, spray oil
from a spritz bottle. Remember, a little goes a long way.
If a recipe calls for a tablespoonful (three teaspoonsful
roughly) of oil or butter, you can safely cut it down to
two teaspoonsful or even lesser.
Steer clear of fasting Water fasts, juice fasts and a
combination of water and juice fasts and excessive use
of laxatives to clean out your digestive system is big
no-no. In fact, fasting is the worst thing you can do to
your body. Your body needs nutrients and energy, and
fasting just the process of detoxi cation even harder.

  • Keep water consumption to eight glasses, but
    add water-rich fruits and vegetables as well.

  • Time for the often ignored, but absolutely
    essential, antioxidants.

  • For selenium, eat seafood thrice this week.

  • For phytochemicals, gorge on green leafy
    vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage.

  • Eat seeds such as sunflower and flaxseeds.

  • Add garlic to all your dishes.

  • Eat beans and legumes in one meal at least.

  • Drink lots of vegetable juices because they help
    you cleanse. You could drink carrot and beet root
    juice with a hint of lemon.

  • Limit non-vegetarian food to once a week.

  • Maintain your water intake.


Seafood is a great source of selenium and can be eaten thrice during the fourth week of detox
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