Index 273
through rhetoric, 65–67; genre and, 128;
multimedia and, 23; sense of beginning
and second birth in, 130, 149–50, 170;
stages of before and after in, 63–64; themes
of, 33; told in Flemish Deaf Parliament,
126–27, 149–50; writing or rewriting,
- See also international deaf people at
Gallaudet; tales of birth
liminality, 132
Longman, C., 83, 84, 85
LSF (Langue des Signes Francophone),
112–13, 170, 222, 227, 230, 235
Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam, 122, 212, 222, 223, 227,
228, 233, 237
Maddox, B., 209
Magongwa, I., 48
mainstreaming, 15, 27, 44–45, 65, 79, 136,
Margalit, A., 25
Markowicz, H., 41
Marschark, M., 148
master’s thesis, 184
maternal thinking, role of language in, 49–50,
Mathews, G., 173, 199, 208, 209
Mathilde of Belgium, 189
Matlin, Marlee, 165, 170
Matthews, S., 87, 96
McDermid, C., 194, 198
McDonald, Donna, 162–63, 167
McGregor, W., 27
McMahon, Mary, 200
Medoff, Mark, 165, 168
metaphors: African mama, 220, 223, 231,
232–36; blooming/blossoming, 9–10,
218; of development, 223–24; finding
light, 180, 181, 185–86; of flourishing,
20; roots, 136; sleeping, 63–64; spiral
staircase, 218; tree, 221, 222, 231,
232–36; use of in daily life, 9–10,
221–22; as verbal metonymies, 223. See
also awakening
methodological approach, 210
Mexico, experience of student from, 99–101
Meyer, B., 234
Middle East, refugees from, 12, 13
migrants, deaf, 156–60
migration and deaf emancipation, parallels
between, 139–40
Mijn Baby is Doof (documentary), 182
Miller, D., 47, 48, 81
Miller, M., 120
Mindess, A., 49
minority group, deaf people as, 41, 43, 50, 56
mirroring in identity formation, 164–71
mobile reflexivity, 173
modernity, 232–33, 235
Moïsi, Dominique, 11–12, 19, 173–74, 215
Monaghan, L., 43
Moores, D., 24, 40, 174, 204
morality in Cameroon, 118–20
Morgan, Ruth, 109, 113
multiculturalism in Flanders, 159
multimedia signed stories, 23
Nakamura, K., 44–45, 80
Narajian, C., 49, 143
Narayan, K., 210–11
narratable self, 129, 161, 163
narrative imagination, 26
National Deaf Federation (Navekados), 58,
59, 62
National Union in Support of Handicapped
People, 188
naturalized epistemological stance, 37, 52, 54,
121, 160, 209, 217
neoliberalism and empowerment, 10
neoliberal meritocracy, 149, 175, 192–93
Netherlands: deaf identity in, 139; sign
language in, 26–27; trips to, 62, 65
newcomers in community, 151–54
“New Era, A: Deaf Participation and
Collaboration” statement of principle
(ICED), 24, 29, 30, 31
Niemelä, Janne, 27
Nigeria, deaf community in, 48
nomadic deaf citizenship: becoming deaf
nomads, 130–35; flights of, 129,
148–49; overview of, 126–30. See
also tales of birth
noncolonial science, anthropology and
development of, 36–38
Nordic Council of the Deaf, 138
Norway, deaf identity in, 138
Nsamenang, B., 116, 123–24