274 Index
Nummijoki, J., 233
Nussbaum, Martha, 14, 21, 25, 124, 173, 204,
206, 209, 210
Obama, Barack, 12
Obasi, C., 51–52
objectivism, 39–40
Olbrechts-Tyteca, S., 39
Ong, A., 207
ontology of becoming, 156, 160
oppression, effects of, 184–85, 196
oralism: impact of, 78; rhetoric of, 66
origin stories, 164, 170–71, 181
outsider-within, 46n11
Padden, Carol, 27–28, 41, 42, 48–49, 164,
179, 207–8
Padden-Duncan, T., 194
paradox of researching empowerment in
disempowering context, 196–205
partnership, practicing, 24–33
paternalism in deaf education, 70–71
Paul, P., 40
Pease, B., 68–69
peer interaction at Gallaudet, 91, 94
Pels, P., 234
People Theater, 224, 225
Perelman, C., 39
performance ethnography, 108
Peterson, C., 201
Petrella, Fernando, 221
phonocentrism, 99
Pinxten, R., 25–26, 37, 39–40, 49, 83, 84,
85, 188, 195, 197, 213
Pistorius, A., 225
politicization of deaf identity, 14, 135–41
Pols, J., 31
positionality, 176, 178
positive revaluation, 66
postdoctoral scholar, author experience as,
potentiality, 134, 154, 156
power effects and empowerment, 132–34
power governmentality, 69
publications, focus of, 197, 198, 204
quality of life: focus on, 21–23; well-being
compared to, 209
quest for deaf identity and deaf studies: cracks
in mirror and, 164–71; desire and,
Rancière, J., 116, 121
received view of science, 38
Reilly, C. B., 47
relational narratives, 141
relational ontological perspective, 210
relativism, 39–40
research: of author, 228; bottom-up approach
to, 108, 125; cross-cultural comparative,
54, 102–3; on deaf community practices
and development contexts, 240–41;
as empowering, 173; epistemological
stance of, 20; ethnographic, 1; Gallaudet
University and, 187–88; as tool for critical
reflection on development, 237; valuing
deaf indigenous knowledge in, 120–24.
See also community-based research;
doctoral dissertation
Riger, S., 199, 210
Robeyns, I., 31–32
role models, 33
Roose, R., 31
roots metaphor, 136
Rosaldo, Renato, 198
Rushdie, Salman, 96
Sandel, Michael J., 22, 31
Sannino, A., 232, 233
Scheffer, P., 139–40, 159
Schmaling, C., 48
science: alternatives to practice of, 38–42;
emancipatory value of, 42–43; indigenous
knowledge and, 36–38
scientism, 177
self-authoring, 87, 99, 100
self-care, 203
self-reflective stance, 175, 177–80
Seligman, M., 201–2, 203
semiotic mediation, 93
Sen, Amartya, 21, 52–53, 54, 124, 144,
171–72, 173, 209
Sennet, Richard, 193
sidetracking in development work, 121
signed storytelling: cultural practices of, 1;
roots of, 23