WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1

Findmoresolutionsto PCandwebproblemsatforum.webuser.co.uk 4-17April 2018 67


so we can’tgivepreciseinstructions,
butsomerouters link to this information
from theirhomepage.
To scan forconnected devices, usea
free tool such as Advanced IP Scanner
(www.advanced-ip-scanner.com). Click
Scan to seealistofthe devicesonyour
network. Oftenitlists manufacturer
names, so you’ll have to matchyour
deviceswiththeir entries.



When Itry to switch offmyHP
laptop,amessagetells me that a
program is preventing Windows from
shutting down.There’sabuttonIcan
click to shut it down anyway,but it
won’tshutdownbyitself. Ihave to click
‘Shutdown’ on theStart menu,waitfor
themessageand click this button.
Neil Taylor,via email

First, trythe easy way. Loginto
Windows withanadministrator account,
right-click theproblemfileand select
‘Giveaccess to’, then ‘Specific people’.
This showswho hasaccess to thefile,
andgives youthe option to add people.
Clickthe arrownexttothe Addbutton
and select Everyone. ClickAdd to
remove alllimitations from thefile.
If that doesn’twork, you’ll have to try
thecomplicated way. Right-click thefile
and select Properties from themenu.
Select theSecuritytab and click the
Advanced button.Click theChangelink
next to Owner at thetop,then click
Advanced in thenextwindow. Clickthe
Find Nowbuttonand alistofaccounts
appears. Select Everyone andclick OK,
then OK againtoreturn to the
Advanced Security Settings window.
ClickAdd at thebottom, then ‘Selecta
principal’inthe next window. As before,
click Advanced,then Find Now, select
auser(such as Everyone)and click OK,
then OK again. Tickall theitems in the
‘Basic permissions’ list, select Allowat
thetop and click OK at thebottom.

Findoutwho’s onyour


Howcan Ifindout whichcomputers
and devicesare connected to my
homenetwork? CouldItellifsomeone,
such as aneighbour, wasusing it?
Ashley Morris,via email


To seethe devicesconnected to
your network, youcan either check
therouter’slogs or scan fordevices.
Checkingthe logs is morereliable
because scanningonlydetects devices
that arecurrently connected,whereas
logs include details of past connections.
Type therouter’sIPaddress into a
browsertoviewthe homepageand log
in.The passwordmay be in the
documentation or on asticker on the
baseofthe router.Look forthe section
that showsdevices and IP addresses.
Differentrouters have differentmenus,


Iuse Chrome to browse theweb,
butIrecentlygave Edge atry to
seeifithad improvedsince Ilast used
it.Unfortunately,itcrashed,and now
Ican’t open it at all. This isn’ttoo
muchofaproblembecause Iuse
Chrome butI’d like to know what
went wrongand,ifpossible,fix it.
Paul Fox, viaemail


We can’tsay what caused the
crash–itmay have been an
incompatibility withawebsite or even
malware. Microsoft is awarethatsuch
problems canoccur and although you
can’tuninstall Edge anddownloadit
again, youcan repair or resetit.
PressWindows+i to open the
Settings appand click Apps. Select
‘Apps&features’ on theleftand wait

forall theappstoappear, then find
Microsoft Edge in thelistand click it.
Clickthe ‘Advanced options’ link and
you’ll seetwo buttons: Repair and
Reset. ClickRepairand restart
Windows.IfEdgestill won’topen, try
Reset. If nothingelse works, thenext
Windows update mayfix theproblem.

Repair or resetEdge


If Edge isn’tworking properly, repair or
reset it


Onepossible solution is to remove
or update theprogram that stops
Windows shutting down.The next time
it happens,makeanoteofthe name.
If it’s aprogram that appearsasanicon
on theright-handsideofthe taskbar,
right-click it and select Quit or Exit
before shutting down Windows.
Seeifthe program hasanoption
to checkfor updates,ortry the
checkthe device manufacturer’s
websiteorright-click theStart button
and select Device Manager. Expand
thesection containing thedevice,
right-click it and select ‘Updatedriver’.
Sometimes, pressingthe power
button to shut down thePCworks
better than selecting‘Shutdown’ on the
Startmenu.OpenPowerOptions in the
Startmenu andclick ‘Choose what the
powerbuttons do’onthe left.Set
‘When Ipress thepowerbutton’ to ‘Shut
down’. Afterthat, ashortpress is allyou
need to poweroff thecomputer.

This fortnightRoland’sotherhalfhas beenaway,sohehas beenplayinggamesnon-stoponhis PC andphone.

Youcan change whichusers have
permission to accessindividual files

Routerslist all thedevices connectedto
them andtheir IP addresses

Setthe powerbuttontoshut down the
computer when pressed
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