AVID India has designed and
provided technology services for
Network Opera ng Centres,
Customer Experience Centres,
Collabora on Centres and
Distance Learning facili es. The
client base ranges from oil &
gas to search engine giants, FIs
to broadcast studios, so ware
bellwethers to hardware
manufacturers, healthcare to
retail and infrastructure to
AVID u lizes years deep
experience to develop custom
solu ons for customers, and
meet the industry demands.
Powered by a team of
experienced professionals, AVID
provides sophis cated and
innova ve solu ons for AV
design, integra on, installa on
and maintenance.
Solu ons for
Every Space
“My habit now is so
enculcated that I ensure we
be er our systems and
processes con nuously."
“Rou ne trainings in AVID
have increased my
knowledge base and
skillsets to contribute to
smarter solu ons to
According to her, with a very
high E-SAT (Employee
Sa sfac on) and a rou nely
monitored high C-SAT (Customer
Sa sfac on Index), AVID had
been able to ensure that it stays
one happy family!
Core Competency: Building Quality
With AVID spreading across the AV spectrum,
horizontally, and ver cally, claiming exper se in
mul -disciplinary endeavours, name and fame
have been there in a quite sizeable fashion. But
what's the Core competency that radiates all
through from the centre?
Assert the
Mukhopadhyay couple:
“AVID has been a strong
process-driven company
with the core
competency being in
building quality installs
and systems. Whether it
be design or drawing,
details or accuracy, the
culture of perfec on is
what has set us apart.”
While the experience and
exper se of many years,
coupled with strong skills
obtained through trainings and cer fica ons have
determined an 'AVID' approach to create state-of-
the-art design and deliverables, a carefully
created hierarchy of internal checks makes
doubly sure that the deliverable is simply top-
class and sa sfies the customer.
“AVID is much more than an integrator of audio-
visual and collabora on solu ons,” emphasize
the Founder couple. “We also play the customer's
strategic partner, like one who can guide them
through the process of workplace
transforma on,” they explain further. “This will
help mul ply our value-adds to increase
“AVID is truly a mel ng pot of technologies
dishing out solu ons as a harmonious whole
with a common offering of quality services
marked by unmatched customer support and
technical services.”
-Kaushik Mukhopadhyay
workflow, efficiency, produc vity, experience
and also save on energy costs.”
According to them, the approach has resulted in
many bankable experiences, and elevated AVID's
status and rela onship with many clients across
its spread- which is why, the company today has
an install base of over 6000 with 1800+
customers served
through over 200 skilled
Support Make-in-India
In an apparent advocacy
to the Government
India's Make in India
ini a ve, and strong
support to India being a
global manufacturing
hub, AVID strongly
encourages procurement
of equipment that is
Made in India. “This is
something we strongly
prac ce and recommend too for all to take,”
Kaushik asserts commitment.
AVID also runs a strong and commi ed
Corporate Social Responsibility ini a ve and
raises funds or promotes causes that they
choose to contribute to. “We feel obligated to
giving back to society, and therefore drive our
own Corporate Social Responsibility ini a ves.
All this gives us a sense of happiness and
fulfillment and that for us, is true success!”
- Keshava Rao,
General Manager – Systems
-Umesh Kumar Pashan,
Regional Sales Manager
Honours of Different Kind
AVID's interna onal Office in Dubai, UAE. The
company exports projects to customers in Asia
who seek offshore billing and import benefits.