Oman Economic Review – August 2018

(avery) #1

  1. Secure the Future (Perpetuity) –
    Through collaborations and
    partnership, collectively build
    self-sustaining organisations,
    businesses and/or institutions while
    simultaneously fulfilling the needs
    and demands of the society.

  2. Centre of Excellence (Partnership) –
    Enable others to develop CSR
    initiatives through partnerships,
    knowledge sharing, and funding. A
    sustainable future is more successful
    when you do it together.

In 2016, one year after establishment,
ODF’s high-degree of CSR practices
started to receive international
recognition: the ‘Best Corporate Social
Responsibility Programme of the Year’
award from Petroleum Economist;
the Asia Best Corporate Responsibility
Practices award and the Asia Best
Community Development award. In
2017, the foundation received the most
prestigious acknowledgement, ‘His
Majesty Award for Voluntary Work
2017’, the highest achievement in
Oman for CSR efforts and regionally the
‘Best Company in Social Responsibility
2017’ by Arab Best Award in the Arab
world. In addition, Shell International
recognised the foundation for its
exemplary CSR efforts; all significant
acknowledgements from industry
peers and beyond. This acknowledges
ODF’s unique CSR model supporting
interests of the Government of Oman,
NGOs and other stakeholders who
helped to establish the vision of its CSR
programmes and the creation of ODF.

Today, the company’s social investment
programmes cover the entire Sultanate
with more than 6000 projects – ranging
from education to healthcare to preserv-
ing the environment and road safety

  • reflecting Oman LNG’s sincere interest
    to embed the principles of social respon-
    sibility as part of its core existence.

Contribution to the social and
economic development
Derived from Oman LNG’s core
objective to deliver tangible value to

Oman and its people through social
investment by capitalising on the
country’s natural gas resource, the
company has ever since looked at many
social and economic opportunities with
great diligence.

Viewed from that perspective, it is
easy to understand the reasoning
behind Oman LNG’s investment in the
establishment of Sur General Hospital,
even before the company shipped its
first volumes of liquefied natural gas
(LNG) in 2000.

“We believe, that as a responsible
corporate citizen, Oman LNG has
an obligation to bring home to the
community, and the country at large,
the benefits born of delivering LNG
to customers in various parts of the
world, an endeavour through which
the company earns substantial revenue
for the country,” says Khalid Al
Massan, CEO Oman LNG Development
Foundation. “Today, Oman LNG is the
largest contributor to the national
economy, after oil. Additionally, over
the past eighteen years, our company’s
social investment programmes have
spanned the length and breadth of
the country. Our success in working
with a number of key stakeholders
and partners has led to measurable

improvements to national healthcare,
entrepreneurship, tourism and
employment to maintain a fruitful
relationship between Oman LNG and
the people of the Sultanate.”

The CEO adds, “Through our
empowerment philosophy, we continue
to develop talent and help remove
barriers to reach success. Our aim
is to develop all individuals to their
fullest potential. We support in-
country value through focused efforts
towards developing local content and
stimulating local business ventures by
enabling Small Medium Enterprises
(SMEs), a major cornerstone of Oman’s
economy, to flourish and providing
equal opportunities to compete for
all service contracts. The aim is to
empower people of all levels of society.”

Since its inception, Oman LNG has been
providing training and development
opportunities for Omani graduates,
job-seekers, volunteers and other
talents in partnership with government
entities, training institutes and other
specialists. Such training programmes
have led to the employment of many
Omanis, either by self-employment
or job-secured employment. One of
the main training for employment
programmes is facilitated by the Oman
Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL).
The programmes are designed to equip
the candidates with the essential skills
of specific disciplines and vocations to
meet the demands of the job market. In
addition, the successful completion of
the training programmes were linked
to secured employment opportunities
in a number of companies in the
private sector, thereby boosting the
Omanisation rate in this vibrant sector,
an essential contributor to Oman’s
economy. Vocational training provides
practical knowledge to individuals
such as photography, farming, cooking,
traditional tailoring, handicrafts and
other fields of work to support SME
development in the country. Most of
the programmes targeting women have
been delivered in coordination with the
Omani Women Association (OWA).

Khalid Al Massan
CEO, Oman LNG Development Foundation
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