Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-35c.e.), vii, 1,
2, 49, 65-66, 93, 200, 351-53, 414
Baruch, Second Book of,4, 10, 90-91
Baruch, Third Book of,4, 10
Beatitudes,212, 220-21
Belgic Confession (1561), 180
Ben Sira, 19, 88, 144, 164, 174-75, 190, 421
Berossus, 309, 312
Bethsaida, 338
Bible (term), 145
biblical interpretation, 89-90, 157-76,
211-13, 225, 392
as retelling, 163-64
“biblical” vs. “nonbiblical” texts (Dead
Sea Scrolls), 207-8
Birkat Ha-minim,414, 415
Boethusians, 422
Book of Giants, 19
Book of Mysteries, 220
burial practices, 331

Caecina Alienus, 296
Caesarea Maritima, 347-48, 350
Caesarea Philippi, 52
Caiaphas, 396
Calanos, 276
calendar, 217-18, 423
calfskin, 206
Caligula, 22, 53, 54-55, 61-62, 116-17, 241,
259, 278-79, 281, 282, 305, 307, 373,
384, 387
canon, 143-48, 190
of eastern Orthodox traditions, 181-
open, 145
in Second Temple period, 85
Canons of the Apostles, 183
Capitoline Trias, 351
“catholic” epistles, 406
Celsus, 230
Cestius Gallus, 57, 58
Chaeremon, 280, 281, 282, 310, 370
Chelkias, 46
Cheorilus, 309
Chester Beatty Papyrus, 184
Christianities, as multiple, 392

Christianity (term), 391
Christology, 402, 406, 407, 408, 413, 417
Chronicles, 155
Chrysostom, John, 417
Cicero, 60, 374
circumcision, 47, 60, 66, 108, 243, 374,
393, 400, 402, 403, 410, 415, 417
Claudius, 54-56, 62, 154, 278-79, 281, 305,
384, 388
Clearchus, 309
Clement of Alexandria, 230, 239, 259
Cleodemus, 231
Cleopatra, 51
Cleopatra II, 45, 46
Cleopatra III, 46, 334
coastal plain, 324
codex, 148, 189-90
Codex Alexandrinus, 183, 184
Codex Marchalianus, 183
Codex Sinaiticus, 183
Codex T, 184
Codex Vaticanus, 183
coins, 36, 332-33, 344-45, 351, 352
Coliseum, 349
colony, 98
in Babylonian and Palestinian
Talmuds, 190
among Dead Sea Scrolls, 214-16
exegetical, 147
as indicator of a book’s authority, 212
modern biblical, 176
pesher-type, 19, 44, 89-90, 261
of Philo of Alexandria, 258-60, 276,
280, 282-83
thematic, 90
as type of biblical interpretation, 163
“common Judaism,” 393, 433
constitution, Josephus on, 301, 302, 306,
conversion, 244
Coponius, 53
Council of Trent, 180, 181, 185
covenant, 8, 92-93, 393, 405
new, 123, 407
covenantal nomism, 7, 404


Index of Subjects

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