Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Antioch, 33, 377, 378
Antiochus III, 36-39, 74, 78, 79, 325, 368
Antiochus IV, 21, 39-41, 42, 45, 78, 80,
86, 90, 241, 243, 296, 328, 368-69, 372
Antiochus V, 41, 42-43
Antiochus VII, 47-48
Antiochus of Ascalon, 283
Antiochus Theos, 380
Antipas, 338
Antipater, 50
Antipatrids, 49-50
anti-Semitism, 22, 108, 312
Apamea, Peace of, 38
Aphrahat, 182
Apion, 278, 308, 310, 383, 384
Apocalypse of Abraham,4, 199
Apocalypse of Weeks,90, 215, 219
apocalyptic community, 20
Apocalyptic Judaism, 5
apocalyptic literature, 12-15, 90-91
in book of Revelation, 409
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 221-22
eschatology of, 13, 394
as higher revelation, 15
and law, 7
in prophetic literature, 13
in wisdom literature, 220
“apocalyptic myth,” 8, 20
Apocrypha, vii, 3, 179-91
as anachronistic term, 190
in antiquity, 184-87
covenantal nomism in, 7
as “hidden books,” 186-88
as “outside books,” 190, 191
rabbinic Judaism on, 421-22, 423
apocryphon (term), 200
Apocryphon of Jeremiah,19, 213, 214, 216
Apocryphon of Joshua,211, 212, 213
Apollonios, 351, 385
Apollonius Molon, 310-11, 383
apologetics, 248
apology, 237, 311
apostasy, 249
Apostolic Council, 414
Appian, 388
aqueducts, 348

Aquila, 130, 427
Aramaic Apocalypse,19, 198
Aramaic language, 12, 85, 87, 127, 240,
427, 428
of Apocryphal books, 189
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 206
Aramaic Levi Document,19, 89, 202, 211,
213, 214, 216, 224, 354, 425
Aramaic literature, 213-14
Aramaic script, 206
Aramaic targums, 164
archaeology, 322-62
Archelais, 338
Archelaus, Herod, 78, 338, 359
Arch of Titus, 297, 298, 343, 349
Aristeas (“the Exegete”), 234
Aristobulus (philosopher), 22, 103, 230,
232, 233, 237, 239, 248, 259, 265
Aristobulus I, 47, 77, 82, 307
Aristobulus II, 47, 48
Aristotle, 259, 269, 280
Arius Didymus, 267, 283
Ark of the Covenant, 92
Artapanus, 230, 231, 232, 245, 246
Artaxerxes, 157
Artemidoros Daldianus, 388
Artemion, 385
Asaph, 73
Aseneth, 242, 244
Asia Minor, 100, 114, 337, 376, 379-80
assimilation, 107, 108, 372
astrology, 232
atheism, 110
Augustine, 263
Augustus, 102, 337, 381, 387
Aurelian, 194
autobiography, in Judeo-Hellenistic lit-
erature, 237

Babylonian captivity, 95, 127
Babylonian Empire, 156
Babylonian exile, 31
and development of Scripture, 153-54
Bar Kokhba, 65-66, 352, 355, 356-57
Bar Kokhba period, 24, 355, 358


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EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
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