Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
expulsion of Jews from, 49, 66
as symbol of Jewish identity, 113-15
Jewishness of, 391, 394-97
as messiah, 410, 414
and Moses, 411
Paul on, 402
Jesus ben Hananiah, 393
Jesus Movement(s), 397-400, 416-17
Jewish Antiquities(Josephus), 85, 86,
232, 233, 234, 237, 291, 299-308
“Jewish-Christianity,” 415-16
Jewish Diaspora, 95-118, 328
between revolts, 63-65
in eastern Mediterranean, 376-77
expansion of, 59-62
and synagogues, 76
under Hellenistic rule, 368-73
under Roman rule, 373-75
Jewish identity, 393
and Jesus movement, 417
Paul on, 401-2
Jewish learning, 164
Jewish literature, in Greek, 228-51
Jewish separateness, 108, 367, 384
Jewish War(Josephus), 85, 86, 235, 240,
241, 291, 295-99
Job, 123, 168
Johannine epistles, 408
John (Gospel of ), 412
John Hyrcanus.SeeHyrcanus I
John of Gischala, 58, 291, 292
John the Baptist, 53, 394
Jonathan (high priest), 80
Jonathan Maccabeus, 43-44
Joseph, 309
Joseph, Rabbi, 190
Joseph and Aseneth,10, 103, 107, 232,
242, 244, 372
Joseph ben Gurion, 57
Josephite messiah, 430
Josephus, vii, 22, 32-33, 111, 112, 235, 238-
39, 240, 376
Against Apion,22, 235, 237, 291, 308-13
on Alexandra, 48
on antiquity of Jewish people, 245

biblical interpretation of, 163
on circumcision, 243
on conversion, 244
and Diaspora, 85, 117
on dietary laws, 243
on Essenes, 16
on Exodus, 233
as “father of church history,” 314
on Genesis, 232
on intermarriage, 242
Jewish Antiquities,232, 233, 234, 237,
291, 299-308
Jewish War,235, 240, 241, 291, 295-99
life of, 290-95, 317
on Moses, 310-11
on Palestine, 35
on Pontius Pilate, 54
reception and interpretation of, 313-
on Roman policy, 386-88
on rulers, 241
on Temple, 115
Josephus studies, 316
Joshua, 132
Joshua (high priest of Second Temple),
Joshua ben Gamala, 58
Jubilees,4, 15, 17, 18, 90, 112, 143, 168-70,
212, 216, 224, 225, 422
Judah Aristobulus II, 49
Judaism, 1
diversity within, 8, 91, 377, 420
and Hellenism, 20-24
superiority over paganism, 228, 244-
45, 248
“Judaizing,” 377, 415
Judas Maccabees, 42, 86
Judas the Galilean, 392
Jude, 406
Judea, 53-54, 62-63, 70
Judean Desert, 353, 354
Judean Desert Expedition, 358
Judges, 133
Judith, 87
Julianus (martyr), 65
Julias, 338


Index of Subjects

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
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