Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Spätjudentum,vii, 1, 2
Stephen, martyrdom of, 399
stepped pools, 333, 348
Stoics, Stoicism, 239, 250, 264, 274, 276,
277, 280, 283
stone vessels, 342
Strabo, 96, 102
Sukkot, 108
supersession, 405, 409, 411
Symmachus, 130, 427
synagogues, 60, 63, 76-77, 99-101
archaeological evidence, 334, 341, 347
believers in Jesus expelled from, 414
and Jesus movement, 398, 399-400
in Jewish Diaspora, 151, 392
syncretism, 250, 383
Synod of Dort (1618-19), 180
Synod of Jerusalem (1672), 181
Synoptic Gospels, 391, 393, 412
Syria, 377, 378
Syriac Bibles, 182

Tacitus, 108, 110, 375
Talmud, 18
Tanak, 210-11
Tannaim, 433
tannaitic literature, 7, 424
tannaitic midrashim, 163
Targumim, 128, 209, 427, 428
taxation, 381, 387
Teacher of Righteousness, 20
Temple, 71-75
destruction in 70c.e., 60, 63, 95, 200,
295, 297, 298, 306, 396, 414, 422
as dominant institution, 77
and Herod, 338-39
rebuilding of, 71, 124, 431
Temple of Peace, 297
Temple Scroll,17, 18, 38, 75, 88, 90, 212,
216-17, 224, 225, 424-25
Temple tax, 74-75, 396
Testament of Abraham,4, 10, 162, 192,
194, 198, 228, 247
Testament of Job, 10
Testament of Levi, 11
Testament of Moses, 90

Testament of Naphtali, 11
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs,10-
tetrarchs, 50, 78
Tetrateuch, 123
Teucheira, 376
textual critics, 122
textual pluriformity, 138-43, 147
textual uniformity, 147-48
texual variants, 138-39
Thanksgiving Hymns(1QH), 91, 354
theocracy, Josephus on, 310, 312
Theodosius I, 194, 416
Theodotion, 427
Theodotus (epic poet), 102, 229, 232,
238, 239, 242, 243, 247, 371
Theodotus inscription, 341, 347
Therapeutae, 280-81, 372
Theudas, 392, 393
Thucydides, 239
Tiberias, 52, 338
Tiberius, 52, 53, 62, 374
Tiberius Julius Alexander, 23, 118, 249,
253, 276, 277, 372, 388
Tibullus, 374
Timaeus(Plato), 255
tithe, tithing, 73, 114, 412
tituli picti, 359
Titus, 241, 290-91, 295-96, 297, 298, 299,
378, 385
Tobiads, 35-36, 79
Tobiah inscriptions, 327
Tobias, 35
Tobit, 19, 87, 107, 112
tombs, 331, 343
Torah, 14, 18, 123, 143, 152, 212
Jesus on, 394-95
Paul on, 401-2, 403
reverence for, 393
translation of, 127
as universal law, 248
written and oral, 424
Tosefta, 163
tradents, 121
tradition, written and oral, 428
tragic drama, 103, 229


Index of Subjects

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