
(Nandana) #1

270 Index

Index of Names and Subjects

Abel, 77
Abraham, 77
Adam, 18, 57, 72-73160, 162, 173-81, 246n9
Aelius Aristides, 25
Aeschines, 233n20
Ages, human (schemata of ), 98-99, 233n17, 233n18
Aland, K. and B., 55, 120
Alcinous, 143, 243n18
Alexander of Alexandria, 154
Alexandria, 37
Alexandrinus, Codex, 123-25, 127, 129
Allusion (definition of ), 226n43
Alpha-Beta Logion, 109-10, 116-17
Amphoux, C. B., 55
Anabaptists, 189-90
Anacletus, 39, 50
Andresen, Carl, 165-66, 247n5
Anicetus, 232n3
Anteros, 49
Antioch, 37, 155
Apocryphon of John, 112-15, 117
Apollinaris, 154
Apostolic Constitutions, 37, 153
Apostolic Tradition, 44, 152, 244n5
Apponius, 81
Aquila, 111-12
Aristeas, Letter of, 215n21
Armenian baptismal rite, 157
Asia Minor theology, 214n9
Asterius, 174, 178
Athanasius of Alexandria, 142, 148-49, 199, 201,
209, 243n9, 243n13, 254n57
Attridge, H. W., 66, 109, 235n11
Augustine, 190, 204-7, 209-10, 215 n. 17, 254n42

Bacon, B. W., 65
Bacq, Philippe, 56, 60-61, 249n35
Barnabas, 79
Barnes, Timothy D., 214n3, 215n12, 220n96
Barrett, C. K., 232n8
Basil of Caesarea, 199, 201, 229n3
Basilides, 45, 91, 168
Beasley-Murray, George R., 232n8
Beda, Noël, 184-85
Behr, John, 244n39
Benoit, André, 68
Beza, Theodore, 186, 189
Bezae, Codex, 55, 62, 120
Billius (Jacques de Billy), 189

Blackman, E. C., 68
Boernerianus (GP), Codex, 125, 128, 238n19,
Borgolte, M., 50
Bourbon, Charles (Cardinal), 188
Bradshaw, Paul F., 154
Braun, R., 228n94
Brown, Raymond E., 66-67, 232n8
Bruce Codex, 109
Bruce, F. F., 227n82

Caesarea, 238n27
Cahana, Jonathan, 159, 246n3
Caillot, Joseph, 133
Cain, 77, 106-7
Callepodius, cemetery of, 35, 48, 50
Callistus, 35, 42-43, 45, 47-52
Calvin, J., 185-86, 189-90
Calvinists, 191, 194
Camelot, 253n33
Camerlynck, A., 67, 68
Carpenter, H. J., 152, 244nn1, 13
Catecheses mystagogicae, 155, 246n47
Cerinthus, 104
Cicero, 233n19
Claudianus Mamertus, 208
Clement of Alexandria, 204-5, 234n34, 253n35
Clement of Rome, 39-40, 43-46, 190, 202
Clement, First Letter of, 36, 39-40, 44-46, 65-68,
202, 221n104, 240n47
Clement, Second Letter of, 82-83, 124, 130, 240n47
Cletus, 50
Cockerill, G. L., 66
Contra Noetum, 153
Corinth, 39-40
Cornelius, 49, 50
Cornely, Rudolph, 67
Cyril of Alexandria, 199, 201, 251n1
Cyril of Jerusalem, 205. See also Catecheses

D’Alés, Adhémar, 253n33
David, 92
Dawson, David, 82, 230n14
De Andia, Ysabel, 174
De Margerie, Bertrand, 73-74
De Rossi, J. B., 35, 47, 49
Declerck, José, 174
DeConick, April, 106-7, 231n31
Decourt, Jean-Claude, 31
Des Gallars, Nicolas. See Gallasius
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