
(Nandana) #1

Index 271

Didascalia, 37
Diodorus Siculus, 233n20
Diogenes Laertius, 41, 45, 98, 237n16
Dionysius of Corinth, 39, 43
Dionysius of Miletus, 101
Diplai, 120-30
Dodwell, H., 253n31, 253n32
Domnus of Antioch, 251n1
Donovan, Mary Ann, 247n22
Dowling, Maurice, 178
Dunderberg, Ismo, 238n18

Ebionites, 111-12, 117
Ehrhardt, A., 36, 47
Ehrman, B. D., 130
Eleutherus, 51
Elijah, 86, 170
Ellingworth, Paul, 66, 227n82
Enoch, 77
Ephraemi, Codex, 125
Epiphanius, 187, 189, 190, 205
Erasmus, 183-85, 187, 191-92, 233n23, 250n4,
251n4, 251n12, 251n13, 251n23
Eusebius of Caesarea, 13-14, 51, 65-67, 79, 152, 153,
158, 190, 203, 205, 215n29, 215n30, 227n80,
229n3, 233n26, 236n2, 251n13, 253n19,
253n24, 253n39, 254n40
Eustathius of Antioch, 53, 55, 173-74, 178-81,
250n51, 250n53, 251n55
Evans, E., 228n94
Eve, 18, 72-73, 160-62, 246n9

Fabian, 49, 50-52
Fabri, Johannes, 183-84, 251n4
Ferdinand, Archduke, 183-84
Feuardent, Francis, 89, 188-90, 192, 197, 253n32
Finn, T. M., 155
Fiocchi Nicolai, Vicenzo, 47
Firmicus Maternus, 207, 254n43
Forbes, C. A., 207
Foster, Peter, 175
Four regions, winds, 26, 216n10
Francis I, 185
Frederick III of Prussia, 190-91
Froben press (Basel), 183

Gallasius, 185-90, 192, 196
Germanus, 225n39
Gnostics/Gnosticism, 16-17, 68, 79, 105-10, 112-17,
133-35, 138-39, 159-61, 163-64, 166-71, 188-89,
193, 195, 200, 203-4, 215n16, 236n32, 246n6,
246n7, 246n13, 248n13, 248n14, 248n24

Golden, Mark, 233n15
Gospel of Judas, 106-8, 116-17, 234n2
Gospel of the Ebionites, 111-12, 117
Gospel of Thomas (P.Oxy. 1), 238n19
Gospel of Truth, 105, 108-9, 116-17
Grabe, Johann Ernst, 190-94, 197, 251n26, 253n33
Grant, Robert, 68, 115, 134, 205, 252n12
Gregory of Elvira, 81
Gregory of Nazianzus, 209, 254n58
Gregory of Nyssa, 81, 209, 229n3, 254n58
Gregory of Tours, 207, 220n100
Gregory, Andrew, 66, 236n35
Grenfell, Bernard P., 120, 237n14, 238n19, 238n29
Grindal, Edmund, 186-87
Guyon, J., 47, 48

Hagner, D. A., 65
Harnack, Adolf, 154, 200, 245n24
Harvey, W. Wigan, 67, 194-97
Haussleiter, J., 154
Hegesippus, 36-40, 45-47
Hermas, Shepherd of, 40-41, 43, 45, 66-67, 83, 121,
134, 202, 221n104, 242n13, 242n20, 252n15
Hilary of Poitiers, 208
Hill, Charles, 89-90, 93, 231n18, 242n7
Hippocrates, 98
Hippolytus, 37, 42, 44-45, 49, 204-5, 229n2, 253n36;
ps.-Hippolytus, On the Theophany, 153, 157. See
also Apostolic Tradition.
Historia Joannis, 246n47
Hitchcock, F. R. M., 67, 68, 253n33
Hoh, J., 227n80
Holl, Karl, 154, 245n24
Hort, F. J. A., 55
Hosea, 85-86
Huguenots, 186, 188-89
Hunt, Arthur S., 120, 237n14, 237n25, 237n29
Hurtado, Larry, 128, 238n25
Hyginus, 203

Ignatius of Antioch, 39, 41, 252n14
Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 109-10, 116-17, 235n19,
Irenaeus: Armenian version of, xi-xii, 192, 196, 208,
215 n. 18, 232n21, 254n50; on bishops, 14-15;
canon, 20, 65-79, 105-17, 215n23, 221n104;
Latin version of AH, 204-7, 220n101, 253n31,
253n32, 253n33, 253n34; and Letter from
the Gallic Churches, 218n47; living among
Celts, 27-29, 32; as “martyr,” 207, 254n44;
millenarianism, 21-22; monastery of Saint
Irenaeus (Lyons), 186; parody of Gnostic myth;
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