The Camouflagingof Eugenicistsas Eugenicism’s Opponents 99
poorparentsand wereresponsiblefor manyacts of crueltyaccordingto the NSPCC,” the
UnitedKingdom’s NationalSocietyfor the Preventionof Crueltyto Children.^147
Thereare but a few socialistswhomRichardHofstadteradmitsare anti-pacifisteugen-
icists.Amongthemis anothernovelist,JackLondon(1876–1916).^148 Hofstadterquotesa
telling 1904 articlein whichJackLondoncheersthatimpendingmilitaryconflictswill be
basedon geneticancestry.“The possibilityof raceadventurehas not passedaway.We are
in the midstof our own.TheSlavis just girdinghimselfup to begin.Whymaynot the
yellowandbrownstartout on an adventureas tremendousas our ownandmorestrik-
inglyunique?”^149 Curiously—andconspicuously... andconveniently... —Hofstadter
doesnot botherto disclosethatJackwasenthusedenoughaboutsocialismto foundthe
IntercollegiateSocialistSocietyin 1905,^150 but a yearsubsequentto his call for racewar.
Andamongthe membersof the politicalLeft,the earlytwentieth-century’s partisans
of state-supportedeugenicswerenot limitedto socialists.Throughoutthe firsthalf of the
1900s,state-enforcedeugenicshada placein the heartof Americanswhowouldhave
resentedbeingcalledsocialists—progressives, suchas TheodoreRoosevelt,LouisD.
Brandeis,and the initialproponentsof federalminimumwagelegislation.
- Hofstadter1992,34.
- R. H. Gabriel1956,248.
- For characterizationsof HerbertSpencerin sucha way,see Degler 1991 ix, 11–15; Ekirch1974,
23–24, 209–210,219;Hofstadter1959,31–50, 176,198–99, 202;Mowry1958,17; andRavitch2000,27, 76.
The castigationof Sumneras a socialDarwinistis in Ekirch1974,22–24; Hofstadter1959,51–66; and in R.
L. Moore1974,41–42. To see bothSpencerand Sumnerbe criticizedas socialDarwinistsat the exactsame
time,see Ekirch1974,23–24. - Degler1991,20–1, 110; Hofstadter1959,68, 70–76, 79–82, 84; Mowry1958,21; Ravitch2000,28–9, 33.
- Hofstadter1959,83.
- Eric Fonerin the Introductionto the 1992editionofSDAT, in Hofstadter1992,xvi.
- P. Maieret al. 2003,621–22.
- Ravitch2000,27.
- Ravitch2000,27, citingCommager1967,xxii.
- Hofstadter1959,68, 71, 78–79, 81.
- Ekirch1974,22–24.
- R. L. Moore1974,41.
- Mowry1959,20–21, 50.
- Garratyed. 1968,237.
- S. Blumenthal1986,89–90.
- B. Lindsey2007,53–54.
- Degler1991,21–22, 145.
- Commager1950,206. B. Folsom2008,8, pointsout the unsurprisingfact that Commageralsowrote
a hagiographyfor FranklinD. Roosevelt. - Commager1950,202, 208, 217, 225.
- Commagered. 19642d ed., 337.
- Commager1950,206, 208-09,212–13, 215–17.
- The quotationand informationcomefromR. H. Gabriel1956,337.
- Hofstadter1959,82–83.
- Bannister1988,126.
- Kariered. 1975,140, 148, 190, 194.
- Thatwas originallyin LesterFrankWard,Glimpsesof the Cosmosvol. 4, originallypublishedin 1891,
p. 295,andit Kariered. 1975,194–95. Thedefinitionof “stirp” I providedin the brackets
2006),republishedin Dictionary.Com,,accessedWednes-
day,May2, 2007. - He arguesas muchin L. F. Ward1913,738. Kariered. 1975,195, broughtthis to my attention.
- L. F. Ward1913,746–47.
- Ekirch1974,23.
- Mowry1958,50.