Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

100 Chapter 4

  1. L. F. Ward1975,148.

  2. Hofstadter1959,170-200.

  3. Hofstadter1959,78. For his summaryof Ward’s viewson racialwarfare,he citesWard1903,
    215–26, 237–240.

  4. Thatis fromKariered. 1975,190, and the passageKariercitescan be foundin Ward1903,359–360.

  5. Commager1950,215.

  6. Thewords“Americanconceptof the plannedsociety,” in referenceto whatDr. Wardbelieved,
    werefirst usedby Gabriel1956,215, and thenqtd. by Kariered. 1975,139.

  7. R. H. Gabriel1956,298.

  8. Hofstadter1959,83.

  9. Ekirch1974,23, 27.

  10. Mowry1958,21.

  11. LesterFrankWard,qtd. by Commager1950,211.

  12. Commager1950,211.

  13. L. F. Ward1975,150–51. ClarenceJ. Kariergainedaccessto it withthe helpof AdeliaPeters.

  14. L. F. Ward1907avol. 2, 547.

  15. Kariered. 1975,275.

  16. Ravitch2000,28. On page464, she callshim a “passionateproponentof intellectualegalitarianism.”

  17. Mowry1958,50.

  18. QuotingDegler1991,22.

  19. Bannister1988,127–130.

  20. T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.

  21. Bannister1988,127–28.

  22. Bannister1988,127–30; Hofstadter1959,78; andT. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,
    November6, 2011.Accordingto R. L. Carneiro1981,182–83, HerbertSpencerpartiallyagreedwiththis
    theory.He believedthatwhenprimitivehunter-gatherertribeswerewarringagainsteachother,the
    desireto winwarsprovidedan impetusfor thesetribesto innovatein termsof technologyandsocial
    customs.Spencerconcluded,however,thatby the timea societyprogressedto liberalindustrialization,
    for that societyto go to war wouldspurno socialprogressin it, but merelycauseretrogressionin termsof
    qualityof life.

  23. Hofstadter1959,78.

  24. Bannister1988,129–130.

  25. T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.

  26. Bannister1988,129–130.

  27. L. F. Ward1907b,290–93. Bannister1988,130,and T. C. Leonard2009,42, broughtthis statements
    to my attention.

  28. Ward,qtd. by Bannister1988,130.

  29. Bannister1988,130–31.

  30. Hofstadter1959,68, 84.

  31. Bannister1988,79.

  32. T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.

  33. Hofstadter1959,62.

  34. T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.

  35. Ward1902,759.T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
    statementof Ward’s to my attention.

  36. Ward1903,238.T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
    passageto my attention.

  37. Bannister1988,135.

  38. Bannister1988,126, 238; and Commager1950,220.

  39. S. Fine1956,263.T. C. Leonard2003,706,accessedonlineTuesday,February14, 2012,
    broughtthis to my attention.
    70.RandomHouseUnabridgedDictionary2006, “Mammon,”Dictionary.Com, http://diction-,accessedThursday,January10, 2008.

  40. ThatEly calledfree-marketadvocates“mammonworshippers” is visiblein the quotationfrom

  41. J. C. Cort1988,251,identifiesEly as a ChristianSocialist.Ibid., 327,pointsout Ely’s earlyadvocacy
    of “the livingwage.”

  42. R. T. Ely 1964,336.

  43. Commagered. 19642d ed., 335.

  44. Commager1950,234.

  45. Mowry1958,22.

  46. S. Fraser2005,274–75.

  47. S. Fraser2005,590–91, 258–59, 312–13.

  48. Galbraith1987,123, 165, 214–15.

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