100 Chapter 4
- L. F. Ward1975,148.
- Hofstadter1959,170-200.
- Hofstadter1959,78. For his summaryof Ward’s viewson racialwarfare,he citesWard1903,
215–26, 237–240. - Thatis fromKariered. 1975,190, and the passageKariercitescan be foundin Ward1903,359–360.
- Commager1950,215.
- Thewords“Americanconceptof the plannedsociety,” in referenceto whatDr. Wardbelieved,
werefirst usedby Gabriel1956,215, and thenqtd. by Kariered. 1975,139. - R. H. Gabriel1956,298.
- Hofstadter1959,83.
- Ekirch1974,23, 27.
- Mowry1958,21.
- LesterFrankWard,qtd. by Commager1950,211.
- Commager1950,211.
- L. F. Ward1975,150–51. ClarenceJ. Kariergainedaccessto it withthe helpof AdeliaPeters.
- L. F. Ward1907avol. 2, 547.
- Kariered. 1975,275.
- Ravitch2000,28. On page464, she callshim a “passionateproponentof intellectualegalitarianism.”
- Mowry1958,50.
- QuotingDegler1991,22.
- Bannister1988,127–130.
- T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.
- Bannister1988,127–28.
- Bannister1988,127–30; Hofstadter1959,78; andT. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,
November6, 2011.Accordingto R. L. Carneiro1981,182–83, HerbertSpencerpartiallyagreedwiththis
theory.He believedthatwhenprimitivehunter-gatherertribeswerewarringagainsteachother,the
desireto winwarsprovidedan impetusfor thesetribesto innovatein termsof technologyandsocial
customs.Spencerconcluded,however,thatby the timea societyprogressedto liberalindustrialization,
for that societyto go to war wouldspurno socialprogressin it, but merelycauseretrogressionin termsof
qualityof life. - Hofstadter1959,78.
- Bannister1988,129–130.
- T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.
- Bannister1988,129–130.
- L. F. Ward1907b,290–93. Bannister1988,130,and T. C. Leonard2009,42, broughtthis statements
to my attention. - Ward,qtd. by Bannister1988,130.
- Bannister1988,130–31.
- Hofstadter1959,68, 84.
- Bannister1988,79.
- T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.
- Hofstadter1959,62.
- T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.
- Ward1902,759.T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
statementof Ward’s to my attention. - Ward1903,238.T. C. Leonard2009,42, accessedonlineMonday,November7, 2011,broughtthis
passageto my attention. - Bannister1988,135.
- Bannister1988,126, 238; and Commager1950,220.
- Qtd.by S. Fine1956,263.T. C. Leonard2003,706,accessedonlineTuesday,February14, 2012,
broughtthis to my attention.
70.RandomHouseUnabridgedDictionary2006, qtd.in “Mammon,”Dictionary.Com, http://diction-
ary.reference.com/browse/mammon,accessedThursday,January10, 2008. - ThatEly calledfree-marketadvocates“mammonworshippers” is visiblein the quotationfrom
Seldes1960,232. - J. C. Cort1988,251,identifiesEly as a ChristianSocialist.Ibid., 327,pointsout Ely’s earlyadvocacy
of “the livingwage.” - R. T. Ely 1964,336.
- Commagered. 19642d ed., 335.
- Commager1950,234.
- Mowry1958,22.
- S. Fraser2005,274–75.
- S. Fraser2005,590–91, 258–59, 312–13.
- Galbraith1987,123, 165, 214–15.