Progressivism 125
sives” fromSpencerism“is the Progressivebeliefthatthe state... coulddo betterthan
‘nature’ in the essentialDarwiniantaskof weedingout the unfit.”^204
In short,thoughtheseleft-wingluminariescalledthemselvessociallyprogressive, every
one of theirfavoriteregulationsdid nothingbut impedesocialprogress.Throughoutpart
I, I havearguedthatthe earlytwentiethcentury’s governisteugenicsmovementsin the
USAandU.K.camenot fromSpencerandSumner,but fromgovernistactivists.Still,a
doubtermayproclaimthat this doesnot detractfromhis notionthat AdolfHitler’s eugen-
icismstillcan be tracedbackto Sumneror Spencer.In partII, I willexaminewhether
Hitler’s entiregovernmentalsystemwasa tributeto Spenceriancapitalismor a willful
rejectionof it. We mightconsiderthatHitlerdid not fashionhimselfafterany popular
imagesof whata right-wingsocialDarwinistwassupposedto be. Rather,it maybe that
beforethe Germanpublicthe Führerscapegoatedhis enemies,the Jews,as the actual
- Derber1998,96–97.
- S. P. Caine1974,11.
- T. K. McCraw1974,200.
- R. L. Moore1974,43.
- T. C. Leonard2009,37, accessedonlineSunday,November6, 2011.
- Degler1991,42, 47.
- Hofstadter1959,168–69.
- T. K. McCraw1974,196–97.
- R. L. Moore1974,48.
- Ekirch1974,86, 170.
- Mowry1958,54.
- R. Monksand N. Minow1991,4.
- Chernow1998,341.
- Acemogluand J. A. Robinson2012,323.
- Black2003,120; and Degler1991,47–48.
- M. Ridley1999,290.
- Degler1991,47–48.
- LouisD. Brandeisin dissent,Olmsteadv. UnitedStates, 277 U.S.438 (1928),in T. R. Bruceed. 2009,
accessedonlineSaturday,July25, 2009. - “Brandeis,”The AmericanHeritageDictionaryof the EnglishLanguage4th ed. 2006,republishedas
deis,accessedThursday,October1, 2014. - “The ThirdPartyandthe Trusts,”The Nation95, September19, 1912,pp. 253–53.
Bannister1988,88, broughtthis to my attention. - T. K. McCraw1984,102.
- G. Seldes1960,112.
- D. W. Root2010,accessedonlineTuesday,September3, 2013.
- Brandeis2013,47, accessedonlineTuesday,September3, 2013.
- JusticeDavidJosiahBrewer,opinionof the Court,Mullerv. Oregon, 208 U.S.14 (1908),in http://,in T. R. Bruceed. 2013. - Teixeiraand Halpin2010,10, accessedonlineTuesday,September3, 2013.
- Lombardo2008,158.
- For an exampleof a governistauthorderidingTaftfor beingtoo muchof a laissez-faireconserva-
tive,see JamesT. Adams1931,332–33. Herethe authorderidessupportersof free enterpriseas “reaction-
ary.” - J. T. Patterson1972,5, mentionsthat RobertTaftwas WilliamHowardTaft’s son,and J. T. Patterson
1972,309, 384, mentionsRobertTaft’s reputationfor beingrelativelylaissezfaire. - ThatWilliamHowardTaftwasSumner’s studentis mentionedin Lombardo2008,158.J. T. Patter-
son 1972,33, mentionsRobertTaft beingSumner’s student. - Acemogluand J. A. Robinson2012,320–23.
- Ekirch1974,143.
- Cannadine2006,220.Chernow2001,tradepaperback,130,alsomentionsTaftinitiatingmore