Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

174 Chapter 7

  1. DouglasHarper,“Nazi,”OnlineEtymologyDictionary, 2001, “Nazi,”Dictionary.Com, http://,accessedThursday,May17, 2007.

  2. J. P. Diggins1972,215.

  3. J. Goldberg2007,77.

  4. J. P. Diggins1972,452.

  5. A. Herman1997,307-08.

  6. J. P. Diggins1972,452, citingC. W. Mills1942,432–37.

  7. Giblin2002,26.

  8. J. Gray2013,7, accessedonlineWednesday,January23, 2013.

  9. GeorgeOrwell,reviewofMeinKampf,NewEnglishWeekly, March21 1940,republishedin Orwell

  10. A. Bullock1991,68; and Shirer1990,85.

  11. J. Toland1976,224–25.

  12. Shirer1990,206.

  13. N. Ferguson2006,423.

  14. Heiber1972,20.

  15. Fest 1974 U.S.version,234.

  16. Riess1948,24.

  17. Riess1948,25.

  18. Shirer1990,126.

  19. Fest 1974 U.S.version,234.

  20. Riess1948,24.

  21. Shirer1990,126.

  22. Riess1948,25.

  23. Shirer1990,126.

  24. Riess1948,25. Thissameobservationis madein G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,186.

  25. Shirer1990,126.

  26. Riess1948,25.

  27. G. L. Mosse1964,287–88.

  28. G. L. Mosse1964,289, citingSchüddekopf1960,319–320.

  29. Fest 1974 U.S.version,307.

  30. The parallelsbetweenNaziismand communismare notedby historianRobertHessenin his “Re-
    viewof Ludwigvon Mises’sOmnipotentGovernment,”The Objectivistvol. 9 (no. 8, August),republishedin

  31. Steinweis1993,17, 26.

  32. Fest 1974 U.S.version,270;Steigmann-Gall2003,41–42; F. Stern1987,155;and H. A. Turner1985,

  33. MichaelMoore,interviewedby Ian Hodder,“MichaelMoore’s OngoingCrusadeAgainstCorpo-
    rate GreedWonHiman AudienceWithBig, Bad Nike,”IndustryCentral, 1997,,
    accessedFriday,June15, 2007.

  34. OttoWagenerin a 1930conversationwithHitler,recountedin Wagener1985,115.

  35. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,115–16.

  36. Fest 1974 U.S.version,125.

  37. N. Thomas1971,55.

  38. G. L. Mosse1964,280, 286.

  39. I firstlearnedof Moellervan denBruckcoiningthe ThirdReichfromBurumaandMargalit2005,
    paperback,8. ThatMoellervan den Bruckwasan advocateof the ThirdWayis mentionedin G. L. Mosse

  40. G. L. Mosse1964,280;and F. Stern2006,191,226;confirmthat Moellervan den BruckcoinedThird
    Reichwiththe title of his 1923book.

  41. G. L. Mosse1964,280.

  42. G. L. Mosse1964,280, citingF. Stern1961,258.

  43. F. Stern2006,226–27.

  44. Kershaw2000,paperback,152.

  45. Hitlerclaimedthatthe Jewsowned“warcorporations” thatoppressedthe Germans,accordingto

  46. Einstein1993d,247.

  47. P. Lane1973,81.

  48. G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,151.

  49. R. Grunberger1971,167.

  50. R. Grunberger1971,44–45.

  51. Fest 1974 U.S.edition,27, 97.
    100.Burumaand Margalit2005,softcover,33.
    101.G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,152.

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