Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

  1. Ibid., 37.

  2. Xu Hongming and others, ‘‘Train in Both ‘Attack Techniques’ and ‘Concealment
    Methods’: A Certain East Fleet Submarine Detachment Can Attack and Hide Without ‘Weak
    Spots,’’’People’s Navy,November 9, 2002, 3.

  3. Liu Xianglin and others, ‘‘Reporting on a Certain North Sea Fleet Submarine Base’s
    ‘Underwater Vanguard Boat’ (Part 2),’’People’s Navy,October 14, 2004, 2.

  4. Jia Fenghua and others, ‘‘Greeting the 16th Party Congress with Excellent
    Performance Records: A Certain SubmarineDetachment from the North Sea Fleet Trains
    Hard to Improve Survivability Through Self-Designed Exigencies,’’People’s Navy,August 31,
    2002, 2.

  5. Srikanth Kondapalli,China’s Naval Power(New Delhi: Institute for Defence Studies
    and Analyses, 2001), 142.

  6. Liu and others, ‘‘China’s First Petty Officers.’’

  7. Zou Qinjing and others, ‘‘Ma Lixin: The Dragon Cruises the Ocean Depths,’’People’s
    Navy,February 5, 2005, 1, 3.

  8. Lu Yongzheng, ‘‘A Certain Submarine Detachment Makes a Great Leap in War
    Management Capability,’’People’s Navy,October 31, 2002, 2.

  9. Zhang Luocan, ‘‘Littoral Port Training Room Attacks Difficulty: A Certain
    Submarine Detachment Exercises,’’People’s Navy,March 23, 2002, 1.

  10. Gui Pingdian and others, ‘‘Navy Airmen: High, Difficult Subjects Sharpen
    New Recruits,’’People’s Navy,August 8, 2002, 2.

  11. Sun Shiwei and others, ‘‘Can Already Both ‘Seal the Throat with One Sword’ and
    ‘Escape by Cunning Maneuvering’: A Certain Submarine Unit’s Training Stressing Both
    Attack and Defense,’’People’s Navy,July 20, 2002, 1.

  12. Xu Hongming and others, ‘‘Lay Mines ‘in the Enemy’s Rear Area’—An Eyewitness
    Account of a Certain PLAN Submarine Exercise Involving Breaking Through
    Anti-Submarine Formations,’’Modern Navy4 (2003): 38.

  13. Zhang, ‘‘Littoral Port Training Room.’’

  14. Kondapalli,China’s Naval Power,143.

  15. ‘‘PLA Navy Captain Ma Lixin Leads Drill Using New-Type Submarine,’’ CCTV-1,
    February 27, 2005, OSC-CPP20050302000014.

  16. Zou and others, ‘‘Ma Lixin.’’

  17. Zhang Shoujun and others, ‘‘Ocean Depths Sharpen Crack Troops,’’People’s Navy,
    December 27, 2005, 3.

  18. Liu Huaqing,The Memoirs of Liu Huaqing(Beijing: People’s Liberation Army Press,
    2004), 474–77, 494.

  19. Peng Ziqiang,The Research and Development of Chinese Nuclear Submarines(Beijing:
    Central Party School Press, 2005), 286.

  20. Huang Caihong and others,Nuclear Submarines(Beijing: People’s Press, 1996), 91.

  21. See, for example, Fang Fang and others, ‘‘The Effects of Long-Term Voyages on the
    Blood Cell Components and Rheology of Sailors on Naval Ships and Nuclear-Powered Sub-
    marines,’’Chinese People’s Liberation Army Journal of Preventive Medicine4 (2004): 261–64.

  22. Bray, ‘‘Seapower Questions.’’

  23. Unless otherwise specified, this paragraph derives from ONI,Handbook,43–44.

  24. Wang Zufeng and others, ‘‘A Certain South Sea Fleet Mobile Sea Mine Warehouse
    Guides Officers: Receive New Mission Assignment Requiring Independent Initiative,’’People’s
    Navy,October 8, 2005, 1.

Notes 197
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