Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1
Gujral Doctrine, 132
Gulf War, 159, 162, 182

Hampden, Ernest Miles Hobart, 36
Hankey, Maurice, 39, 40, 41
Hekler, Garth, 103
helicopters, Chinese, 84
Hideyoshi, Toyotomi, 2
Holmes, James, 73, 183
Hong Kong: British naval base at, 38, 40;
and trade, 66
Hormuz Strait, 61, 66, 124, 140
Hu Jintao, 72, 94, 112, 114
Hu, Timothy, 182
Hu Yanlin, 92
Huang Qiang, 90
Hughes, Charles Evans (sec. of state), 37
Hughes, Christopher, 178
Huntington, Samuel, 59

ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile),
86, 106
illegal immigration, 61
Imperial China: canal system, 25; inland
waterway boats, 24; maritime past, 22–
25; Ming sea power, 28–31; Mongol
invasions, 26–27; piracy during, 27–28;
seagoing ships, 25; Sino-Japanese
clashes, 25–27
Incidents at Sea (INCSEA), 128–29
India: Advanced Technology Vehicle, 137;
aircraft-carrier operations, 141; border
security, 128; budget issues, 144–45;
colonial legacy, 134; cooperative mea-
sures, 128; and counterterrorism, 131;
Defense Research and Development
Organization, 135–36, 138; Draft
Report, 136; economic and energy secu-
rity, 139–42; EEZ, 140; follow-on
destroyers, 140; force structure trends,
1990–2006, 5; forward presence, 143–
44; indigenous defense research, devel-
opment, and production base, 128;
length of coastline, 148; Maritime Doc-
trine, 133, 136; maritime power, and
strategy, 129–33; maritime power, creat-
ing and using, 133–34; naval aviation,

140–41; naval diplomacy, 142–43;
Nehruvian grand strategy, 131–32;
nuclear weapons capabilities, 135;
Operation Sukoon, 140, 142; postcolo-
nial legacy, 135; protection of citizen
lives and property, 127–28; sea-based
deterrence, 136–39; sea-based nuclear
force, 137–38; security and strategic
dialogues, 128–29; security objectives,
126–29; SLOCs, 140, 141, 143, 145;
Soviet submarine lease, 137; Strategic
Defense Review, 133; submarines, 137–
38, 140; territorial seas, 127; weapons of
mass destruction, 128
Indian Maritime Doctrine,125, 139–40
Indian Navy, 113
Indian Ocean, 66
Indonesia, 67, 176, 179
Indonesian Navy, 143
Ingles, John, 150, 153
international crime, 61
International Monetary Fund, 159
Iran, 66, 87, 171
Iraq, 62, 66, 160, 171, 178, 179
Italy, 53, 54

Japan: Aegis destroyers, 160, 161;
antisubmarine warfare, 13, 155, 156,
157, 158, 161; antisubmarine-warfare
capacity, 156, 157; and Cold War, 157;
collaboration with United States, 157–
58; disputes in East China Sea, 162–63;
force structure trends, 1990–2006, 5;
geography effect on maritime strategy,
147–48; humanitarian efforts, 160; inci-
dents at sea, 162; influence of Mahan on,
150–52, 167; International Peace Co-
operation, 159; Iraq war and, 160; Japan
Defense Agency, 155, 159, 163; length
of coastline, 2, 147, 148; Maritime
Safety Agency, 154; Maritime Self-
Defense Force, 13; merchant marine, 58;
Mid-Term Defense Program, 161; mili-
tary operations other than war, 161, 162;
Mongol invasions, 26–27; MSDF
guidelines, 157; National Defense Pro-
gram Guidelines, 160–61; National

216 Index

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