Business Spotlight PLUS
Presenting your project
Für Einsteiger
- Checking understanding
Complete these sentences with the correct words from the box to
form sentences you can use to check that your audience understands
what you have said.
clear | follow | mean | questions | sense | sound | through | with
A. How does that ....................................................................?
B. Is that ....................................................................?
C. Does that make ....................................................................?
D. Are you .................................................................... me so far?
E. Do you .................................................................... me?
F. Do you know what I ....................................................................?
G. Are there any more .................................................................... at this point?
H. Shall I go .................................................................... that again?
- Tips for presentations E
Match the following sentence halves to create tips for presenting
project updates.
A. Keep it short...
B. Allow time...
C. Focus on the...
D. Ask for support...
- most important information.
- when you need it.
- and simple.
- for discussion.
A– ; B– ; C– ; D–
Are we on the
same page?
Then everything
is clear