The bottom line is that you
will pay for what you know,
and don’t know, in the reality of
your life’s comfort factor when
it’s all said and done. To be a
part of the 1% only requires
that you learn what they know,
employ their technique(s) and
slowly watch the results begin
to take shape in your own life.
Get acquainted with the 10%
rule, “I pay me a tenth before all
else”, and start to change your
circumstances immediately.
Start your #nancial literacy ed-
ucation with a little book called
The Richest Man in Babylon by
George S. Clason, which explains
the 10% rule so clearly that a 3rd
grader can understand it. Keep
reading GET MONEY Magazine
and the MoneyWise column for
fresh new information on how to
get your paper up and straight.
And most importantly, don’t get
discouraged in your e"orts to
become #nancially independent,
stable and wealthy. Rome wasn’t
built in a day, and neither will
your #nancial empire. The road
to wealth is long, sometimes
rocky, and always deliberate.
What you have to do is be “all
about the Benjamins” and stay
diligent and destination wealth
is de#nitely within your reach.
- Mone!Wis"