ICICIdirect Money Manager – July 2019

(Grace) #1

possession without any
waiting period and you can
inspect the property and there
is no risk of discrepancies,
unlike an under-construction
property. Considering all the
above, if you are going for a
new property and do not
require immediate possession,
then you can consider under-
construction property,
provided it's a reputed builder.

If you are looking for a specific
location & new projects are not
available in the location, then
you can consider resale
property. Generally, resale
properties which are not much
old are preferred i.e. properties
not more than 7-8 years old.
There are some people who
would want to sell their
properties quickly, which can
provide a good opportunity to
bargain for buyers and save
some money. There might not
be a significant difference in
price between a new property
and a resale property, unless
the resale property is very old.
If both are available at the
location you are looking for,
then buying a new property is

3. What factors one considers
while finalizing a property?
Before finalizing a property,
factors such as location,
facilities available in the
ne i g h b o r h o o d a n d
surrounding area, amenities
provided in the building,
builder reputation and history,
quality of construction, layout
of the house, affordability have
to be considered. It is close to
impossible for you to get
satisfied in all the parameters
for zeroing in the house. You
will have to be ready to
compromise on some
parameters. Hence, deciding
the factors which you can
compromise becomes

  1. Things to keep in mind before
    buying the property.
    Title, approvals and licences:
    Check if the builder has the
    right over the property. Check
    encumbrance certificate to
    verify that the land is free from
    all legal dues. Verify land-use
    zone from the local body office.
    Check if the layout of property
    is approved. Do a check about
    the builder and the previous
    projects delivered by the

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