
(Barré) #1

their prevention. Therefore, it appears that there is a small consideration for the
holistic approach to the patient due to the increased fragmentation in the health care
financing. Taking into account the differences in the funding of medicines, vac-
cines, diagnostics, and other interventions managed by the different institutions,
there are several integrated medical solutions that present the cornerstone of the
personalized medicine approach.
The publically funded health care, contrary to the personalized approach, has
standard medicines, vaccines, and interventions applied on the vast segments of
society. In the transition to the personalized medicine approach, the health care
funders, providers, and the population as a whole will have to accept that the aim of
this new approach is to provide the most appropriate medicine, vaccine, or inter-
vention for every individual patient.
The further development of the personalized medicine approach is crucial for the
progress in new therapeutics both in terms of treatment and prevention. However,
there is a need for better education of all stakeholders about the benefits of this
approach. The current infrastructure in terms of both the basic R&D as well as the
clinical practice is not aligned to this new approach, and it still remains focused on
the population-based approach.
The application of personalized medicine should lead to increased benefits for
the patient and the funder and bring increased value to the health care sector
through the improved efficiency and safety. As mentioned above, the medicines
that are currently prescribed are not equally efficient for all patients and, therefore,
there are certain patients for which the risk and benefit ratio is not optimal.
Additionally, the targeted medicines for those patients who will derive most of
the benefits of this approach will enable better dosage optimization and increase
Therefore, the health care innovation should be assessed not only from the
scientific perspective but also from the multidisciplinary approach. The antago-
nisms that are the consequence of the high investments into R&D and the necessity
to realize the affordable and accessible medical treatment can be solved through the
application of technology transfer process and for this purpose in the field of
biomedicine and biotechnology. Technology transfer as one of the segments of
the holistic approach to personalized medicine presents the basis for modern

2 Technology Transfer Concept in the Personalized

Medicine Approach

Creativity is a process that assumes the ability to create new ideas. These ideas can
be more or less novel and original, but they are important in terms of creating

96 P. Karanikic

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