Surgeons as Educators A Guide for Academic Development and Teaching Excellence

(Ben Green) #1


Coming from the same group, a recently published simulation platform created
for robotic partial nephrectomy was made that utilizes both augmented reality and
virtual reality [ 80 ]. The authors created this simulation platform from the existing
dV-Trainer platform. The first component of the simulator is augmented reality (AR)
in which actual surgical footage is overlaid with virtual instruments which the user
can manipulate. During this time, there is also narration from the operating surgeon,
allowing for cognitive and technical tips to be learned by the user. The goal of the
augmented reality portion of the simulation is to learn key aspects of the procedure
via a number of interactive exercises. The simulation is divided into five modules
each representing a key aspect of the procedure (colon mobilization, kocherization of
the duodenum, hilar dissection, kidney mobilization, and tumor resection and repair).
In the final module, there is an imbedded virtual reality exercise in which the user
performs renorrhaphy on a modification of a previously validated suture sponge
exercise from the Mimic Simulation library. In their study of this new simulator,
Hung et  al. again divided 42 participants into expert, intermediate, and novice

Fig. 24.8 “Latex glove” laparoscopic pyeloplasty model [ 53 ]

W. Baas et al.
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