An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

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32 Ibid., p. 7.
33 Ibid., p. 4.
34 Grindon, Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers, pp. 1, 49, 69.
35 D. J. Sinclair, ‘The growth of London since 1800’, in K. M. Clayton (ed.),
Guide to the London Excursion: 20th International Geography Congress
(London, 1964), pp. 13–18. K. M. K. Young and P. L. Garside, Metropolitan
London: politics and urban change 1837-1981 (London: Edward Arnold,
1982), pp. 4, 15.
36 Anon., The Village London Atlas: the growth of Victorian London (London:
Alderman Press, 1986).
37 B. N. K. Davis, ‘Wildlife, urbanisation and industry’, Biological Conservation
10 (1976), 269–91.
38 J. W. Heslop Harrison and J. A. Richardson, ‘The magnesian limestone area of
Durham and its vegetation’, Transactions of the Northumberland Naturalists
Union 2 (1953), 1–28. See also A. Davies, ‘Nature after minerals: a major role
for quarries in nature conservation’, British Wildlife 18 (2007), 305–12.
39 J. Box, ‘Conserving or greening? The challenge of post-industrial landscapes’,
British Wildlife 4 (1993), 273–9.
40 E. F. Greenwood, ‘Derelict industrial land as a habitat for rare plants in
S. Lancs. (v.c.59) and W. Lancs. (v.c.60)’, Watsonia 12 (1978), 33–40.
41 A. Maddock (ed.), UK Biodiversity Action Plan: priority habitat descriptions
(Peterborough: English Nature, 2011).
42 J. Barnatt and R. Penny, The Lead Legacy: the prospects for the Peak District’s
lead mining heritage (Bakewell: Peak District National Park Authority, 2004).
43 accessed December 2012.
44 Cossons, Industrial Archaeology, p. 254.
45 J. G. Kelcey, ‘Industrial development and wildlife conservation’, Environmental
Conservation 2, 2 (1973), 104. R. Mabey, The Unofficial Countryside
(London, 1999), pp. 59–60.
46 A. Byfield, ‘The Basingstoke Canal: Britain’s richest waterway under threat’,
British Wildlife 2 (1990), 13–21.
47 Byfield, ‘Basingstoke Canal’, p. 13.
48 Byfield, ‘Basingstoke Canal’, p. 16.
49 I. Walton and C. Cotton, The Complete Angler (London, 1853), p. 131.
50 C. Dixon, The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands: being a
handbook for the naturalist and sportsman (London, 1895), p. 234.
51 Mabey, Unofficial Countryside, p. 62.
52 P. E. Hulme, ‘Biological invasions in Europe: drivers, pressures, states,
impacts and response’, in R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison (eds), Issues in
Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 25 (Cambridge: Royal Society of
Chemistry, 2007), pp. 56–80.
53 O. L. Gilbert, The Ecology of Urban Habitats (London: Chapman and Hall,
1989), p. 285.
54 Gilbert, Ecology of Urban Habitats, pp. 282–3.

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