(^224) noTes
98 A. Mitchell, Trees of Britain and Northern Europe (Second edn, London,
1974), p. 235. K. Alexander, J. Butler and T. Green, ‘The value of different
tree and shrub species to wildlife’, British Wildlife 17 (2006), 19–28.
99 Mitchell, Trees, p. 257.
100 J. R. Cross, ‘Biological flora of the British Isles: Rhododendron ponticum L’,
Journal of Biology 63 (1975), 345–64.
101 J. Amphlett and C. Rea, The Botany of Worcestershire (Birmingham: Cornish
Brothers, 1909), p. 154.
102 A. Hussner, ‘NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Azolla
filiculoides’. Online Database of the North European and Baltic Network
on Invasive Alien Species (2006). Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf.
http://www.nobanis.org/files/factsheets/Azolla_filiculoides.pdf. Retrieved
19 November 2012.
103 Allen, The Naturalist in Britain, pp. 26–51.
104 Ibid., pp. 45–51.
105 B. Stillingfleet, Tracts Relating to Natural History, Husbandry and Physick
(London, 1759).
106 G. White, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selbourne (London, 1813).
107 Allen, Naturalist in Britain, pp. 73–83. P. Marren, ‘Darwin’s war-horse:
beetle-collecting in nineteenth-century England’, British Wildlife 19 (2008),
108 Allen, Naturalist in Britain, pp. 158–78.
109 A. Secord, ‘Science in the Pub: artisan botanists in early nineteenth-century
Lancashire’, History of Science 32 (1994), 269–315. J. Percy, ‘Scientists in
humble life: the artisan naturalists of south Lancashire’, Manchester Region
History Review 5 (1991), 3–10. J. Cash, Where There’s a Will There’s a Way:
an account of the labours of naturalists in humble life (London, 1873).
110 Ibid., p. 279.
111 Ibid., p. 272.
112 Percy, ‘Scientists in humble life’.
113 Secord, ‘Science in the pub’, p. 282. E. P. Thompson, The Making of the
English Working Class (London: Gollancz, 1980), 322.
114 Allen, Naturalist in Britain, pp. 111–16.
115 Ibid, pp. 158–75.
116 Ibid., p. 170.
117 Rev C. A. Johns, Flowers of the Field (London, 1851). Rev C. A. Johns, British
Birds in their Haunts (London, 1862). F. O. Morris, A History of British Birds
(London, 1863). Rev J. G. Wood, The Common Objects of the Country (London,
1858). J. F. M. Clarke, Bugs and the Victorians (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2009), p. 9.
118 D. E. Allen, The Victorian Fern Craze: a history of Pteridomania (London:
Hutchinson, 1969).
119 Allen, Fern Craze.