ribbed melilot (Melilotus
officinalis) 181
Richardson, Richard 44
Richmond, Nathaniel 127
ridge and furrow 6, 39, 111
ringed plover 31, 154
roach (Rutilus rutilus) 161
roads 53, 83, 86, 97, 117, 127, 138,
165, 168, 173
on commons 144
improvement of 77, 88, 123,
159, 170
roadside trees 153, 166
urban and suburban roads 169 , 172
robin 9, 49, 52, 173, 177
Robinson, William 171
rock dove 16, 60
rockrose (Helianthemum
chamaecistus) 61
roe deer 9, 14–15, 151
Roman(s) 4, 8–9, 12–13, 15, 20, 122
Romney Marsh, Kent 32
rook 9, 54, 124, 176, 180
rosebay willow herb (Chamaenerion
augustifolium) 86, 167
rose-coloured pastor 156
Rotherham, I. D. and R. A.
Lambert 190
rough grazing 4, 92, 143–4
rowan 2, 46, 83, 167
royal fern (Osmunda regalis) 135
royal forests 14–15, 20–2, 35, 44,
56, 68
Rockingham 56
Whittlewood 56
Royal Society for the Protection of
Animals 136
rubbish disposal 78, 179
ruff 103
ruffe 85
Ruggles, Thomas 106
Rushton House, Northamptonshire 63
Russia 60, 171
Rutland 125
rye 40
sainfoin 40
St Albans, Hertfordshire 15, 63, 64
St Ives 66
salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba) 28
Salford 80
Salisbury Plain 30, 98
sallow 46, 51, 104, 146
salmon 78–9
salt marsh see marshes
sand catchfly (Silene conica) 25
sand lizard 28
sand martin 176
sand sedge (Carex arenaria) 87
Santon Downham, Suffolk 66
saw sedge (Cladium mariscus) 33, 151
sawflies 108, 174
scilla 171
Scotland 9, 121, 134, 154, 187
Scots pine see pine
sea fern-grass (Catapodium
marinum) 31
sea milkwort (Glaux maritime) 178
sea plantain (Plantago maritime) 178
sedge warbler 110, 179
selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) 173
sewage farms 179–80, 192
Shasta daisy 167, 172
Sheail, John 138, 152
sheep 4, 7, 9, 20, 40, 55, 69, 91, 128,
136, 143, 145, 184
on chalk downland 31
on heaths/commons 25, 27, 96,
100–1, 143
on marsh 32
on moors 29, 100, 123, 143
new breeds 92
sheep-corn husbandry 6, 25, 27,
31, 38, 92, 96 , 98, 146
sheep’s fescue (Festuca ovina) 25
Sheffield 80, 168
shelduck 31
shellfish 32
shepherd’s needle (Scandix pectin-
veneris) 40
shepherd’s purse 173, 179
Sherwood Forest,
Nottinghamshire 66, 129
shooting 69–70, 98, 122–6, 128, 132,
144, 146–8, 148 , 156, 186–7
short-eared owl 100
shoveller 10
shredding 20