Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1
(Ilic & Rowe, 2013). Having handouts containing information not included in
the abstract promotes dissemination. It is often helpful to offer business cards to
individuals who are interested in your work (Ellerbee, 2006). If your organiza-
tion does not provide business cards, it is easy to make your own (Figure 19-1).
Speed posters offer a new variation to traditional poster sessions (Wagnes,
2016). This is modeled after speed dating. Posters are grouped in a room accord-
ing to specialty groups. A rotation schedule is published to allow all attendees to
hear about each poster in the specialty. Attendees gather before a poster while
the author discusses, for about 5 minutes, main points made in the poster. This
is followed by a 2-minute question and answer session. When a bell rings, at-
tendees rotate to the next poster. The use of speed posters effectively engages
attendees in discussion and improves networking.
A new approach to the traditional presentations of posters is presenting
posters at an e-poster conference (Pierce, 2016). Posters are uploaded to a
website and a discussion thread is created for each poster. This allows dis-
semination of information while providing opportunities for participants to
dialog about the key points. Additionally, participants are asked to provide
feedback about the design and organization of the posters, which presenters
may find helpful.

Tips for Creating Effective Posters
Regardless of the environment or setting in which posters will be displayed, they
should be created to communicate ideas effectively. Attention to both content
and appearance is necessary because evidence shows that nurses are more


Example of Self-designed Business

494 CHAPTER 19 Sharing the Insights with Others

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