Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

etiology, defined, 104
of qualitative research, 228–229
phase of Stetler model, 427, 428f–429f, 430
clinical practice guidelines, developing and using,
414–416, 416t
evidence, ranking, 408–413, 409f, 412t, 413 b
five-step approach to, 405t
qualitative designs, 408
quantitative designs, 407, 408
questions to consider, 406b
relevancy, determining, 405–409
borrowed from other disciplines, as source of
evidence, 6–7
decisions about, 403–404
ethics, 417–418
learning, applying, 419
clinical questions to ask, 412t
clinically significant statistics, definitions of, 413b
evidence hierarchies, 408, 409f
levels of evidence, 410
systems for, 412
rapid review, 418
sources of, 5–7
Evidence-Based Nursing/EBN Online, synopses of
evidence, searching for, 403, 405t
evidence-based practice (EBP)
adopting, 7–9
best sources for, 116–118, 117t
chapter objectives and key terms, 2
databases to search for, 321b–323b
defined, 4
described, 3–14, 5t, 11t–12t
ethics in research, 34–36
five-step approach to, 405t
future developments, 31–33, 32b
learning, applying, 37
models of, 5, 5t
nursing as science, evolution of, 23–31, 24f
nursing research, describing, 14–22, 15b, 16t–17t
pyramid of evidence, using for, 320, 321b–323b
quantitative data, interpretation and appraisal,
379–380, 392, 395
questions, formulating, 84–86, 86b
rapid review, 36–37
samples, appraising, 301–302
sources, clinical practice guidelines, 118b

Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs), 410
evidence collection
chapter objectives and key terms, 252
data collection: planning and piloting, 253–255
ethics, 278–280
evidence, searching for
access to content, 110
EBP, best sources for, 116–118, 117t
electronic databases, 111–114
general search strategies, 110–111
print indexes, 111
evidence types
peer-reviewed and refereed sources, 98–99
periodicals, journals, and magazines, 99
primary and secondary sources, 98
reviews, types of, 99–101
scholarly, trade, and popular literature, 99
scientific literature publication cycle, 96–98, 97f
sources, organization of
databases, 102–103
experts, consulting with, 103–104
literature search, importance of, 96–98
sources, structure of, 104–107
evidence hierarchies, defined, 408, 409
evidence, other sources of
chapter objectives and key terms, 308
ethics, 324
evidence-based practice, using pyramid for, 320,
321 b–323b
learning, applying, 327
pyramid of evidence
overview of, 309–310, 310f
studies, 310–313, 312b
summaries, 309, 310f, 319
synopses, 309, 310f, 319
syntheses, 309–310, 310f, 313–314
systems, 309–310, 310f
rapid review, 326
evidence, transitioning to practice
change, creating
change, engaging others in, 436–438, 436b
change, explained, 435
making change happen, 438–441, 439f
stakeholder involvement, 441–443, 442b
chapter objectives and key terms, 402
EBP models to overcome barriers, barriers to
connecting research and practice, 431–435, 432f
ethics, 443–444
learning, applying, 444
rapid review, 445

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