Scale aviation modeller international

(Axel Boer) #1
AK2102 Medium Green, and AK2103
Tan, masking each coat as I went.
To create some depth and
contrast, I started the weathering
process by spraying a coat of
thinned AKMC-002 White inside
the panel lines. Thinned coats
of the original colours were
then sprayed on to blend this in.
Depending on the desired look,
you can apply more or less of the
camouflage colour in several
light layers. The aim is to allow
some transparency; otherwise,
all the pre-shading will be lost.
Once dry, a coat of MC-100
Gloss Varnish was added and the
kit decals applied. I then used a
bespoke dark brown oil paint wash
to pick out all the details. This was
applied and left for ten minutes

Adding a black pre-shade

I used AK Interactive USAF
TAC Paint Set AK2190 applied
in thin layers...

Wingman provide all the parts for a Portugese Alpha Jet


074-77-FEAT-AKInteractive-0518.indd 76 13/04/2018 14:13

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