Asian Photography – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
July 2019 - 41

  1. (^) Manipulate natural light
    Natural light is a godsent for photographers. Using natural light a photographer can
    paint the prettiest of pictures. But many photographers think that natural light has to
    be used as is. This isn’t really the case. Manipulation of natural light is also possible.
    Using natural light coming from a window one can create wonders. Make your own
    light blocking card with different shapes and patterns and see the light seep through
    it onto a face at the window sill. See image example here to get a better idea. You
    can also use reflectors to create nice ambient light falling on a face on both sides. Get
    creative and see how you can find a way to manipulate the natural light.
    Imagination to image
    Creative photography doesn’t just happen on the streets or in the studio. It first kindles
    in the mind of a photographer. The idea develops from a concept and the way you
    execute that as a photographer is what seperates you from the rest. Do not discard an
    imagination just because it is difficult to execute. Try and figure out how you can turn
    a concept into an image through your camera and photo editing software. Conceptual
    photography is gaining ground fast and it has a lot of applications in real world as well
    as advertising photography scenarios.

  2. Using flash outdoor
    Is the sun more powerful or a TTL flash? Well, it is obviously the sun.
    But, what do you do when you are shooting a subject with a strong backlight?
    You use a flash to illuminate the subject while exposing for the much brighter
    background. The flash can be an extremely important weapon for photographers
    for creating stark beautiful portraits. Try using the flash off camera and at
    different angles. When shooting indoors play around with bounced light from
    the flash to create dramatic effects.

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