Asian Photography – July 2019

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they take time to focus on subjects and aren’t that sharp. When
you find yourself trying to hack a camera or a lens, you might
want to think about investing in a brand new one instead.

Do you have the money for an upgrade?
One of the crippling questions that stops every photographer
from updating their gear regularly is the lack of funds. As
suggested earlier, start saving up for new gear even before

your current gear gets old. Newer camera models arrive in the
market every month and most models have very little changes
compared to the last one. Unlike smartphones, which are
rapidly changing, DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are not that
frequently updated. Keeping a certain amount of your earnings
aside every month will give you that cusion so that if anything
goes amiss with your current gear, your work does not stop and
you can immediately invest in a replacement.

Can you get a good return on investent?
Another question one needs to ask is whether he or she will get
a good return on investment when changing gears. Buying a
camera for `5 Lakhs may give you great quality images, but how
much can you earn from the images and how long will it take the
camera to pay for itself? Calculate the amount you are willing to
spend depending on the amount you earn from photography. If
you do it as a hobby, do not upgrade equipment as much since
you will not require 38MP or 48MP images ever in your life.

We hope this article helps you in making a decision on whether
to invest in a new DSLR or a new lens or not in your future. If
you have any other suggestions or a process that you use to
understand if you really need an upgrade do let us know!

TEXT: souradEEp roy
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