Asian Photography – July 2019

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communities devoted entirely towards creative matchmaking,
but in a world with so many options, hiring a model can seem
daunting and expensive. Is it possible to make beautiful pictures
at an affordable cost? Of course it is.

Tips on how to find models and collaborate with them
“Look at social networks. There are so many groups
focussed on this process. Secondly, there are several online
marketplaces to find models for photo sessions.”
First of all, look at social networks. There are so many groups
and forums focused solely on this process. There are several
online websites from where you can hire models according to your
requirement. You can add a request to work on a TFP (time for
prints) basis to your profile. In these cases, a model works with a
photographer without remuneration. Instead, the model is given a
pre-arranged number of prints and/or enlargements as payment.

“...if you want something finished perfectly, do it
If your passion is travel and you know that travelling with
professional models is not cheap at all, we have a few tips for
you. The tip is - do it yourself. This means that you can be a
model and a photographer at the same time. You can use a tripod
and trigger to shoot yourself once you set the desired frame.

How to approach models?
The burning question now is, how do you approach models?

How do you gain your odds of them working with you?
Usually when you ask a model to collaborate, the first
question they will ask you is, “Do you have a sample images
that I can look at?” This is where you can find yourself stuck if
you haven’t set your portfolio.
Using these methods will help you land a collaborative


It really goes without saying that you should be professional
right from the get-go. Since there are lots of incidents happening
with models, this deserves to be at least mentioned. Be
professional during every aspect of your shoot from approaching
the model, preparation right up to photo delivery. If you are not
professional in your approach, you will not make it too far.

Have a plan

Simply saying “Hey, let’s shoot” or some other passive
aggressive enquiry will not help your chances. When reaching
out to them, make sure to let them know who you are, introduce
them to your work, compliment their work, and inform them
what you’re looking to shoot, concept ideas, and so on. Treat
it like you’re looking for a job, be prepared and have a plan
in place.
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