Asian Photography – July 2019

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Looking at their images, their style
will help you develop your own style.
But be sure to not copy them but
be influenced by them. One of the
quintissential questions a landscape
photographer asks himself or herself
is if they should include more of the
sky or the land mass in their image. A
general rule is to include more of the
land mass, be it mountains, sea shores,
waterfalls etc but rules as we know, are
meant to be broken. If the sky seems
interesting to you, keep more of it in
your image. It would be unwise to
include more of the land mass when
shooting an aurora borealis image, for
example. Panoramas are also great
ways to display a wide vista when it
comes to landscape photography and
they look excellent when printed on
large media. A tripod can assist you
with your panorama shots. Try out new
things and challenge yourself. Try using
slow shutter speeds when shooting
moving streams, waterfalls and such
and see how beautiful and creamy the
water looks in the images.
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