Asian Photography – July 2019

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Bad Habits That Can Ruin Your


A habit is something a person does irregularly without knowing. There are good
habits too, such as checking both ways before crossing a road, uninitiated habits, such
as biting the end of pens and pencil and bad habits, such as being continuously late.
Photographers fall prey to all sorts of bad habits, and becoming aware of them is the
first step in breaking yourself off of them. From sharing tips, interviewing professionals,
and so on, this article compiles a list of the worst habits in photography. These are the
bad habits that an amateur photographer often finds difficult to stop and that even
professional photographers drift into it more or less randomly without being aware of
the same.

  1. Leaving the camera at home
    The best camera is the one you have with you, even if it’s on your smart
    phone. Not every image you capture is photography competition material
    nor is it of money making value. Regardless, a huge megapixel count
    and optimum lens quality along with the ability to zoom in on a subject
    and not to mention depth of field on a DSLR/Mirrorless is useless if left
    at home.

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