Android Magazine UK - Issue No. 49

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Tu t o r i a l s

Apps used»Native Android featureWorks with»Varies with device

Don’t get notifications

at night


here’s nothing more annoying than
being woken up in the middle of the
night by an unwanted alert saying
someone’s favourited one of your tweets.
Fortunately, Android Lollipop has the
solution in the form of Priority Mode.
Similar to the Do Not Disturb setting found
on other platforms, it allows you to mute
notifi cations temporarily. However, unlike
A irplane Mode that blanket blocks all
communication, Priorit y Mode allows you
to set which notifi cations are allowed to get
through, for instance, an emergency
contact or your morning alarm. To start, all
you’ll need is a dev ice running the latest
version of Android. Some manufacturers
might not include the functionalit y in their
tweaked versions of Lollipop though, so
double check before we begin. This is an
easy to use system, so shouldn’t take more
than a few minutes to complete.

Use Android Lollipop’s Priority Mode to
make sure that you’re not disturbed
with alerts while you’re sleeping

Turn Priority on manually
Fol low t h i s e a s y g u ide a nd you’ l l be able to s w itc h
Priorit y on and off with the tap of a button and the
push of a screen

Use the volume
To quickly turn on Priority,
push up or down on the
volume buttons on the
side of your device. You
should now see three
options underneath the
volume bar that pops up
on the screen – All,
Priority and None.

Tap to turn on
You can just tap on any of
the three options to turn
them on. You can even
tweak the length you will
have Priority Mode on for
and head into the
Settings by tapping the
cog icon to quickly and
easily change all of the
Priority mode settings.

Go all out
If you want to mute all of
your notifi cations,
including alarms, then
tap the option marked
All. You can set how long
you want the block to
last, but bear in mind
that nothing at all will be
able to get through when
it is muted.

Time Priority Mode
The fi rst thing to do is set how long
you want Priority Mode to last for.
Tap the drop down menu at the top
of the screen and tap Allow only
Priority interruptions. If it’s for
when you’re asleep, 8 hours is a
pretty good length

Alter Interruptions
To get things set up head into
your Settings menu and go to the
‘Sound & notifi cation’ menu.
When you’re in there, tap on
Interruptions. Here, you will be
able to set which notifi cations
will get through when you’re
running Priority Mode and which
will remain silent

Select days
Now you can select which days you
want Priority mode to run on. Tap on
the Days button to pick them. You
might want to set it to turn on during
the working week and not at
weekends. Just tap on your chosen
days to select them

Set a time
Once you have selected your days,
you can then select the times that
you want Priority to turn itself on
automatically. Don’t worry, there’s
an easy way to turn the settings on
manually as well. Just select the
start and end times and you are
good to go

Choose contacts
Next, head down to the Notifi cations
settings and pick what you would
like to be allowed through. You can
select to receive notifi cations from
anyone, from only your contacts
or from specifi c contacts that you
have put a star next to in your
device’s phone book
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