
(Steven Felgate) #1

the embarrassment of having your phone go o in
the middle of an important meeting? This can never
happen if you use this recipe. It works by combining
your phone’s location with its notifi cation settings, to
ensure that it automatically switches to mute as soon
as you set foot in the o ce.

3: When I leave work show a
to-do list
This recipe could be useful
for busy parents and anyone
else whose day doesn’t end when they leave work.
This recipe also combines your location with your
phone’s notifi cation system to save you from having
to fi ddle around with notes and calendars. This
works both on iOS and Android.

  1. Get a weekly report of all
    completed tasks
    Report writing and keeping
    track of tasks can be time-
    consuming, especially if you have multiple lists.
    Certain productivity apps can integrate with IFTTT
    to create a weekly report of both work and non-
    work related accomplishments, so you have all the
    information in one place.
    Apps you can use to do this include Todoist,
    Wunderlist, Things and numerous others. All you
    have to do is select the channel for each trigger and
    action, and the task will be ready to use.

  2. Back up social media photos in Dropbox
    With this recipe, you can back up the photos you
    share on social media in one safe place. It’s useful

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