Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

Atwood, Margaret, 62–64
Auden, W. H., 5; “Address to the Beasts” by,
59–60; “Natural Linguistics” by, 59, 60;
“Talking to Mice” by, 59
Audubon, John James, 87
“Auguries of Innocence” (Blake), 71
Authorial identity, 20–21

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 154
Basilisk, 157–59
Bate, Jonathan, 8
Bats, 163–64
“Bats’ Ultrasound” (Murray), 163–64
“Bear, The” (Frost), 62
“Bear, The” (Kinnell), 173–74, 176; death in,
“Beasts” (Wilbur), 71
Beasts of the Modern Imagination (Norris),
202 n 25
Bekoff, Marc, 3
Benjamin, Walter, 162
Beowulf, 42, 156
Berger, John, 3
Berry, Wendell: “The Peace of Wild Things”
by, 58–59; “To the Unseeable Animal”
by, 70
Bestiaries, 29
“Bestiary for the Fingers of My Right
Hand” (Simic), 186–87
Bhabha, Homi K., 154
Biopower, 5
“Bird Came Down the Walk, A”
(Dickinson), 126, 129–31
Birds, 206n33; allegory and eagle, 30; in
“A Bird Came Down the Walk,” 126,
129–31; “The Blackcap” and, 100–2;
“Crows” and, 188–89; “The Cuckoo
Song” and, 87–89, 112–13; in “An
Event,” 75–76; in “The Flight of Birds,”
103–4; in “The Green Linnet,” 99–100,
128; “History” and, 183–85; in “Hurt
Hawks,” 140–41; in “Message to Po
Chu-I, A,” 77–79; “The Morality of

Poetry” and, 177–79; in “The
Nightingale’s Nest,” 100, 101, 102–3,
195; in “Out of the Cradle Endlessly
Rocking” (Whitman), 132–34, 161;
“The Owl” and, 185–86; Perkins on,
129; “Raven, Sotto Voce” and, 165; in
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner,”
57–58, 69, 71, 124; in romantic
period, 93; rooster in “The Nun’s
Priest’s Tale,” 38, 40; “Shrike” and,
114; in “The Sparrow,” 142–45; in
“Telling the Barn Swallow,” 75;
“Tern” and, 114–15; in “To Christ Our
Lord,” 69; “The Wood-Pile” and,
135–37; in “The Wryneck’s Nest,” 102;
in “You’ll know Her—by Her Foot—,”
Birdsong, 204n7, 204n10, 205n25;
“The Darkling Thrush” and, 134–35;
“The Green Linnet” and, 99–100;
meaning in, 98–99; in “The
Nightingale,” 93–96, 98; “Ode to a
Nightingale” and, 95, 96–98, 129,
134–35; in “Out of the Cradle Endlessly
Rocking,” 132–33, 161; in “The Progress
of Rhyme,” 104–5
Bishop, Elizabeth, 70, 138–40, 148
“Blackcap, The” (Clare), 100–2
Blake, William, 73; “Auguries of
Innocence” by, 71; “The Lamb” by, 91;
“The Tyger” by, 91–92
“Blessing, A” (Wright), 147–48
Bloch, Howard, 29
Boehrer, Bruce Thomas, 33
“Boy of Winander” (Wordsworth), 127–28,
Branch Will Not Break, The (Wright), 179

Calarco, Matthew, 10, 209n13; on
anthropomorphism, 11
“Caribou” (Warren), 141–42
Carson, Elizabeth, 45–48
“Cat as Cat, The” (Levertov), 148–49
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