Samsung Galaxy the Complete Manual 14th Edition

(sharon) #1

all of your Galaxy’s notifi cations will be redirected to your
smartwatch. Newer Android Wear models can then work
independently of your device, relaying messages and more, as long
as your smartwatch and smartphone or tablet are connected to
Wi-Fi networks, no matter the distance.

View Google Now cards
As well as displaying all the
messages and notifi cations sent
to your device, your smartwatch
will display useful information from
Google Now in the form of simple
cards. These can include reminders
to leave on time for an upcoming
appointment, sports scores for
your favourite team and traffi c alerts for your journey home. You
can slide up and down your watch screen to view various cards,
or swipe the card from right to left to see more information, such
as view a weather forecast for the next few days, or open the
information on your Galaxy. Once you’re done with a card, you can
swipe left to dismiss it.

Track your health
As well as getting essential updates, the other advantage to using
Android Wear is being able to track your health. With a built-in
Google Fit app, every smartwatch can quietly count your footsteps
while you wear it, and some models also measure your heart
rate. You can then view this data as a short graph on your watch,
or in detail on your Galaxy. If you’re using a Samsung Gear Live
smartwatch, this will relay fi tness data directly to your Galaxy’s S
Health app instead. Some Android Wear watches have GPS sensors,
so they can also log your route when you go jogging.

1 Download Android Wear app
Install the app from Google Play
store and open it on your device.

2 Pair devices via Bluetooth
Select ‘Pair with a new wearable’
from the drop-down menu.

3 Confirm pairing To conf irm
step up tap the tick mark on
watch and press OK on screen.

4 Receive notifications Go to
Notification Settings in the app
to allow the watch to update.

Pair your smartwatch

To get a guided tour of your Android

Wear device’s features, open menu

options and select the Tutorial option in

the smartphone/tablet app

Android Wear The apps

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