Stuff UK — June 2017

(ff) #1
1 Selle Royal Ta+too
Illustrated by Simone Massoni,
as part of Selle Royal’s designer
Landscape range. What don’t you
want to happen to it? Get nicked.
How will it not get nicked? The top
of the saddle quick-releases off
and safely into your bag, is how.
€90 /

2 Texenergy
Flexible Battery
Obsessing about the rigidity
of our phones, we’ve come to
believe electricity doesn’t fold.
It does. Hark at this three-way
folding 3000mAh battery, which
fits in all sorts of pocket shapes.
£49 /

3 Beeline
There are approximately 6283
ways to attach your smartphone
to your handlebars, all of which
will land you an NHS breakfast if
you get distracted. The Beeline
is a super-stylish and simplified
bike navigator – little more than
an arrow and a distance readout.
£99 /

4 Cycl WingLights Mag
On a bike, your arms are occupied
by navigation, pothole avoidance,
gesticulation – all sorts. These
push-button flashing indicators
help out when your arms aren’t
free for the kind of signalling that
the Highway Code suggests.
£38 /

5 Lumos
Unless you’re on a very racy bike,
your head is the high point of your
cycling profile, which makes it
a good place to put lights. But
as your headspace is already
block-booked by a helmet, you’d
better take this one, with remote-
controlled lights and indicators.
£135 /

Stuff’s Tour de Tech

for smarter, safer

two-wheeled frolics




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