Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java

Figure 18-17. Paste the second bird image data into GIMP and use Scale Image to find the lowest common

Figure 18-16. The parrot is facing out of the edge of the game board, so there’s no need to rotate the image

Since we’ll need at least two image texture maps for each game board square, go to and
find another bird image to use for the second gamesquare1bird0.png image. We will start our image file
numbering with zero to more closely match the random number generator output. I found a great eagle (or
maybe a hawk; we will research the game board content in a later chapter when making sure everything is
correct), as shown in Figure 18-17.

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