Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1


Java engines
game engines, 80–81
inverse kinematics and robot engines, 82
physics and collision engines, 81–82
Java Enterprise Edition (EE), 2
Group, 193–194
insets, 190–191
Pos, 189–190
VBox, 191–193
JavaFXGame class
.addAll() method, 297
addNodesToSceneGraph(), 298
bootstrap, 147
class declaration, 194
compiling, 147–148
createBoardGameNodes(), 296
cylinder object creation, 298
description pane, 145
NetBeans 9, 146
object declarations, 196–197
project creation, 143
running, 149–150
.setRotateAxis(), 301
.setTranslateX() and setRotate(), 300
settings, 142
.start(), 197–199
Z-order primitives, 299
javafx.geometry package, 69
JavaFX-IK library, 82
JavaFX Mesh superclass
Mesh() constructor, 310
MeshView, 310–311
TriangleMesh, 309, 312–313
VertexFormat, 311
JavaFX modules, 129–130
JavaFX ParallelCamera class, 270–271
JavaFX PerspectiveCamera class, 268–270
JavaFX Shape3D superclass
.cullFaceProperty(), 292, 307–309
.drawModeProperty(), 293, 303–307
face culling, 292
JavaFX Box, 295
JavaFX Cylinder, 292
JavaFX Sphere, 293
.materialProperty(), 293
primitive objects (see JavaFXGame class)
primitives, 291
Java 9 JDK, downloading, 6–8
Java 9 Runtime Environment (JRE), 6
Java Micro Edition (ME), 2
Java 8 Software Development Kit (SDK), 1
Java Standard Edition (SE), 2
Jbox2D, 81
JBullet, 81

Jinngine, 82
jMonkeyEngine 3.0, 81
JRoboOp, 82

.setOnKeyPressed() method, 244–245
.setOnKeyReleased() method, 246–247

Lambda Expressions, 2
Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL), 80
Linear animation, 65–66
Looping, 117–118
Low-poly modeling, 78

Media content production software
Audacity, 19–20
Blackmagic Fusion, 21–22
Blender, 22–23
DaVinci Resolve, 20–21
Daz Studio Pro, 24–25
GIMP, 18–19
Inkscape, 17–18
open source software, 25–28
Terragen for 3D Terrain or World
Creation, 23–24
constructor (see Constructor method)
modifier, 96
overloading, 97
Return Type and name, 96
.start(), 96
Modifier keywords
abstract, 107
final, 106
nonaccess control, 105
package private, 103, 105
private, 104
protected, 104
public, 103
static, 106
synchronized, 107
volatile, 107

Nested class, 117
NetBeans 9
Apache, 137
bugs, 141
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